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50 thoughts on “IF A KILLER DOESNT THIS, DO GENS! LOL! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. This happened to me recently, like 3 people actually hiding and trying to save me but all they did was just wasting the time and the space that I've created for them to do the gen, it's just an unfortunate fact that not all brains are created equal 😥

  2. Classic example of why I only play SWF, you got up to red rank survivors who aren't even smart enough to do gens to just fuck over a shitty camping tunneling killer. I'd rather be left on hook to die than some asshole who hook camps/tunnels get the W. I never take killer mains seriously when they complain about SWF because when you play solo q you get sub human mutants like this who don't know how to play the game. They had all that time to do gens and get out but got 4k'd lmao

  3. It's funny how majority of the killers who toxic are trash at the game lol. Acting like hot shit when It's really not impressive 1v1'ing a survivor with huntress who is really good in a 1v1.

  4. @Tru3ta1ent you can be proud of yourself to be chased during an insanely long time. I suggest you change your name in the game or you could be tunneled more often.

    Yesterday I was tunneled the all game by a Ghostface because after putting me on the hook he tried to go in stealthy mode but I revealed him so he tunneled me 6 times. Each time I got saved with DS, Flashlight and Sabotage. My teammates I play can do gens in 5 minutes. After he got noed but guess what the totem was just next to the last gen 😂😂😂😂.

    To all killer who act like that : get a life and stop being obsessed by one survivor : it’s a 4vs1 game and by the way tunneling a guy because he is a streamer is just showing how bad and baby you are to 2k people

  5. What a good game for mmr, getting tunneled and camped, which is very common even at red ranks, isn't even factored into mmr and these variables are not considered for bad killers giving then more mmr with trash play.

  6. I mean, Tru3 is pretty good at this game. So why is he in such a low mmr round? I'm pretty sure Huntress didn't even recognize his name, it was just, "oh I NEED to know I killed the good survivor". And the team feeds her an undeserved win, I learned to do gens against a hard camper back when I only had 20 hours in this game.

  7. I played a couple of games for the first time in probably over a year since I saw pinhead was out and wanted to give it a bash. My first game, there was an orange/red (whatever that means in the new system) rank who called me a hacker saying it's not possible to grab survivors off the hook. DBD hasn't changed lol

  8. Prosto4udo is a CIS player username, so probably that's just our mentality with "ez katka" stuff 😀 It is like "fk yeah I've won", don't have hard feeling about it, that's nothing to do with personality of a person 🙂

  9. Every time I get hooked and I see my team crouching, turning left and right doing nothing, I wanna jump off a cliff. It's always the same: I carry all aggro and I either die in one hook because my team is paralyzed with stupidity or I get unsafe saved until I'm fully dead. Then they all die the second I'm out.

  10. Either toxic, trash killers playing the game, along with toxic, trash survivors trashing on any new player that comes across their path forcing you to 1v1 the killer just to shit talk you when you die to em. It was very hard to get into this game the past 2 years, now I'm trying to get some of my friends to play it and they can't see why or how I can play it- frankly, I can understand why.

  11. Of course being tunneled can get annoying, but honestly after a while you should feel flattered. You're playing so well and triggering the killer to the point the entire match is controlled by you. It's just a matter if your teammates are clever enough to capitalize on that.

  12. This is literally me every game, running the killer for minutes on end only to realise the teammates have been walking around doing nothing when I finally get downed. It’s so hard to get high mmr when solo


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