I'm Going for Hooks! Look! Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

If I have an incentive to go for hooks and can win that way, 100% ill be doing that!

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #incentive #wholesome

I’m live right now! get on over here – https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


27 thoughts on “I'm Going for Hooks! Look! Dead by Daylight”

  1. This team is laughably bad. You can’t possibly go an entire game without getting a Gen done. He got a Mori off before a Gen was complete. These are the games the devs look to for “data”.

  2. After they nerfed mori's I stopped using them altogether, but that mori interaction was quite funny. I can't imagine that's how that's normally supposed to go, but if it is, I'm kinda missing out. 😔

  3. All killers should have passives like this that give survivors secondary objectives to complete, and if they dont do them it makes the match unbearable or makes it more difficult to avoid the killer in chase/do gens effectively. (I.e. pinheads box, maybe doctor makes survivors scream more frequently and disturb healing/gens/pallet dropping unless they go and take an antipsychotic medication around the map, freddy makes gens spew blood randomly when they're in dream world so survivors dont know if hes coming or not and they are put into dream world more frequently while nott in chase, let killers with chainsaws cause secondary effects like ('disabled' or 'fractured') if they are downed with the chainsaw and that makes them vault and perform actions slower until fully healed by another survivor). literally anything to shake up the game and put it more towards a horror/scary feeling game when in and out of chase.

  4. Completely decimates, dominates, and humiliates an entire 4-man team at 5 gens with back-to-back chain hunts while mocking people who claim chainhunts to be busted ❤️ love you Tru3🤣

  5. To be honest, I don’t even play for hooks/blood points or trying to win as killer. I find more joy just being leatherface and looking for lobby’s with flashlights to use lightborne and hope they troll me so I can directly tunnel one and smack him on the hook and ruin their day with the chainsaw face camp

  6. Anyone holding the box will have the symbol surrounding their pfp. That's the easiest way to tell who has it.

    Edit: only reason I hate pinhead is because I have to drop my item to solve the stupid box… wish I could put the item in my pocket and do the silly box. His 4v1 is fun imo.


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