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Hey all it’s PotatoGhostface here I hope you’re keeping well!
In todays video we get INSANE value out of starstruck and agitiation!
This build allows us to get free exposed effects with without the need for using our power!
Trust me, starstruck is awesome.
I hope you all enjoy!! 😀
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#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DbD #BHVR #Legion
I like how the girl stops wiggling at 4:00 as if you had mad grit 😂
I've used this similar build for a long time.
4:40 the poofy graphics are oddly low quality!
I play ghostie as passive at first but because I'm 99% stalking at lest 2 survivors so I can snowball or just take one second stalk downs
as a person who plays survivor and killer, if you get mad about second chance perks you just need to get better at the game. they're not game breakingly powerful.
Love using NOED, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Make Your Choice
Not saying you play it wrong but the stalk could be used better. Get used to leaning with it because stalk grows faster. If you know they can make a tile get them as close to 99 as you can and hit them later with stalk when they’re off guard. It’s like hit and run but with stalking
Rewatching this, you might feel so dumb
The funny thing is. When you were ghost face around 10min. You hit her and did fall at the pallet she legit slowly crawled towards that spot. I think you weren’t paying attention.
bro i use to like this kid but he just bitches about everything now.. salty about deadhard.. like cmon most games he has 4k and still crying about everything, it’s hard to root for him imo.
Big brain Zarina really bamboozled spud by crawling away at 9:35 😂😂
thank god! a video where you dont explain the build for 10 minutes 😀
NOED can be counterplayed so doesn't need to be removed. Total agreement. Small game, counter force, and detective hunch (my personal favorite) all reveal totems to you.
It honestly makes sense that survivors would have far more second chance perks than killers. Why? Because killers have:
1) Countless information perks that tell them the survivors' exact location (Surveillance, Nurses, Barbecue & Chili, Rancor, Lethal Pursuer, Whispers, Tinkerer, Territorial Imperative, Spies from the shadows, Nemesis, Iron Maiden, Infectious Fright, I'm All Ears, Hoarder, Hex: Undying, Hex: Retribution, Hangman's trick, Gearhead, Eruption, Dragon's Grip, Discordance, Deerstalker, Blood Warden, Bitter Murmur, Lightborn, No Way Out).
2) Countless perks that either delay or outright PREVENT survivors from completing their objective (Thrilling tremors, Corrupt Intervention, Thanatophobia, Pain resonance, Remember Me, Pop Goes the Weasel, Oppression, Jolt, Hex: Ruin, Hex: Pentimento, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Grim Embrace, Eruption, Dying Light, Dead Lock, Dead Man's Switch, Blood Warden, No Way Out)
3) Perks that allow them to one-shot survivors regardless of what killer they play (Dragon's Grip, Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: NOED, Hex: Haunted Ground, Iron Maiden, Make Your Choice, Rancor, Starstruck)
4) Add-ons that allow killers to instantly down survivors. (I'm not listing all of them)
5) Literal supernatural (for most of them) abilities with powerful add-ons to make them even stronger, on TOP of the above listed perks that cripple survivors.
Feel like generators are going too fast? Use one of the fifty gen-slow down perks to make those 80 second generators take even LONGER to do. You can even burn an offering to make sure survivors spawn separately from each other so they can't team up and do gens. Add a bit of Lethal Pursuer to start chase from the beginning and you'll have a strong head start.
Feel like the survivors are healing too quickly? Snuff their boon and why not use one of the other fifty slow down perks for that too? Or one of those perks that forces them to stay broken for periods of time?
Survivors finished all five generators and cleansed NOED? Don't worry, No Way Out will literally prevent them from even touching the exit gates while also revealing their location so you can down them and then Blood Warden will stop them from leaving if they do get the gates open.
Killers have so many perks, add-ons and special abilities that help them locate, down and kill survivors. So why shouldn't survivors have second chance perks that help them, you know, SURVIVE???
Just doing my civil duty and leaving a comment for the algorythm… oh yeah, S Tier video 😀
I know stalking with Ghostie can take long, but on the other hand his power counters Dead Hard because you straight up down survivors. You should mix it up to get better value. On Azarov's it's painful though.
Watching PotatoLegion slowly go from 'I'm enjoying this game" to complaining about it for 80% of the video has been really painful
Baby survivors , so borring