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21 thoughts on “IS BOND BETTER THEN KINDRED? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Kindred is better for solo 100% I think people are saying Bond is the best perk because some popular DBD player said it's a must-have, probably but in my opinion they're wrong.

    1. It reveals a killer's aura if they are camping near a hooked survivor.
    – Bond & Empathy can't do that.
    2. It reveals ALL survivor aura's no matter where they are on the map or state.
    – Open Handed can increase the range of bond but can't cover an entire map.
    – Empathy can cover an entire map but needs people to be injured.
    3. If you're on the hook, it'll help out your team.
    – Bond + Empathy will only help yourself. Kindred gives more information to your team.
    4. You don't waste your other perk slots
    – Bond & Empathy are better with other perks like botany knowledge, open-handed, leader, and/or prove thyself.

    edit: I probably missed some other key points about it but Kindred is an overall good perk and should be a staple in solo survivor games along with Iron Will.

    My build is:
    Iron Will
    Sprint Burst or Lithe
    Self-Care, Alert, or Borrowed Time

  2. Kindred shows you the killer's location. It's good especially because it shows you which direction the killer is moving after hooking. Bond can only show you survivors within a certain range. Kindred shows you the survivors across the whole map

  3. Empathy is better than all. I don’t know why no one uses it. If someone is on the hook and u see someone injured, let’s you know where the survivor is and to go unhook the hooked survivor.

  4. The thing is even if many people play one side, they shouldn't be talking as if they play the both sides. They shouldn't be angry at people suggesting about killer since they don't play killer


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