Is DBD Actually A Party Game | Dead By Daylight Discussions

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34 thoughts on “Is DBD Actually A Party Game | Dead By Daylight Discussions”

  1. I think the answer is complicated. The community likes to pick and choose how they respond to this question depending on when it's convenient for them.

    In my experience, survivors (and it could also be killers, I just play more killer these days, as I find survivor boring after 11k hours) like to say "it's a party game stop taking it so seriously" when people say their tools (perks, items etc) are broken or overpowered and need nerfing. They'll default to that…but then their tone changes when the other side gets something powerful, but still has counters that are just required abstract thought to perform.

    I'm sure both sides do this, but my point is, one side will say "party game party game stop taking it so seriously" when their stuff is called OP, but then turn around and demand nerfs to something the other side has. There's no right answer, it just boils down to how two-faced and hypocritical a lot of the community in DBD is.

    As for TCM, I don't believe the devs meant "it's a party game" as a way of saying not to find the most optimal way of doing things. I truly think they looked at the audience they were attracting, that being the DBD community, and were metaphorically saying "quit your bitching and just play the game, not everything that you lose to needs to be nerfed".

  2. It's both. It's a party game that you can be competitive with. I think 3 game modes need to be added. Comp (camp tunnel all that) casual(play by survivor / killer rule book just trying to play and win without sweating for it.) And goofy(………..I mean goofy sums it up pretty greatly )

  3. I mean, I believe you talked about this, but I guess I'll restate it: it's a lose situation for casual players because there are people like me who play for the win because that's what I find fun. Yes, I play like I have a reverse bear trap on my head, and if I get anything less than a 4K, it's going to go off, but that's because I have fun doing it, and I will say even if there was a rank mode, it wouldn't change how I played, even if I did do casual, because again, I don't play to lose the game; I play to win the game. That's just how I play games, and it's the same reason I can't play board games with my family because they say the exact same thing the casual players in Dead by Daylight say, which is that "it's just a game. Why are you trying to play it like  eSports?"But it is also what allows me to play with my friends and for us to have fun. I just want to throw in my two cents as somebody who a lot of people complain about, and maybe I'm part of the problem. I genuinely don't know, but I've also picked up the mindset that I'm going to play the game however I want. But thanks for the video, and I think you have made very good points.

  4. 7:36 – winning is fun. period. i dont know why this concept is so hard for people to understand, especially in dbd. mario party is my favorite example: yes that game is obviously a party game, but i've never gone to a mario party night where my friends and i were not competing and doing whatever we needed to do to win. myself and most killer players i know and watch dont intend to slug, tunnel, or camp from the very beginning (most of the time). they usually "play fair" until they realize they only have 3> hooks with 1 gen left that is about to pop. they then change their play style to one more conducive to winning because winning is fun. they dont start out that way because these strategies are typically unfun for both killers and survivors and there are often other better ways to win. they simply resort to these tactics if need be.

    where i think the argument does have some merit though is that for the survivors, "winning" isnt exactly fun. survivors win by escaping, and the best way to escape is to gen rush, stealth away and hide if possible, open the exit gates while the killer is off in narnia, and then leave. doesnt leave much interaction between survivor and killer to play "optimally." so i understand the desire to bring, for example, the unhookable build with boil over, flip flop, and the like. i think its perfectly fine to do that if they think thats fun. but then dont get surprised or upset if the strategy failed because the killer decided to slug at 5 gens. (ever consider that maybe the reason there are 5 gens left is because they chose to meme instead of do them?) conversely, its fine to play basement, insidious leatherface. but then dont get mad when the survivors gen rush.

  5. honestly agree with this, having a competitive nature to a game can in a way bring communities closer… somewhat…

    Side note: I usually let a survivor out if someone is actively trolling OR if they drop me an item

  6. If you say "ranked mode", what exactly would you say is the difference to the then "quickplay"?
    A different mode needs to have corresponding rewards. And what would those possibly be in DBD?
    More BP? More Iri Shards? Certain cosmetics only reserved for that mode?

    The issue I am seeing is the nonexistent MMR to begin with. If we had working MMR + no visible pregame lobby, killers lobbydodging for easier games wouldn't be that big of an issue. But how often have I joined a full already readied up bully squad while I am usually trying to vibe on killer? Probably often enough. (I sure as hell am done with Blood Lodge on killer…)
    What would stop people from doing the same in ranked, to have an easier climb on the ladder?

    Now with that in mind, let's say that ranked mode actually works and all the sweats sweat in there (and I mean "comp players")? Would that really be a thing? Or would they just don't give a damn and farm all the remaining people in quickplay?
    We already know that people take the way of least resistence. They are doing it already (aka tunneling at 5 gens/SWFing on the biggest maps with 4 BNP). So how would a different mode change that for the better?

    I don't see the point in splitting up the playerbase (while I do not know how many people actually play DBD overall…). I am as tired of running into a baby Meg getting stuck on every corner and not looking back as I am tired of 3 people coming in to bodyblock in my chase, while gens still go in 30 seconds (on killer). I am as tired of having a teammate get tunneled at 5 gens as I am tired of teammates that don't know what to do in a basic situation.

    I don't think a ranked mode fixes this. Not by a long shot.
    The idea itself is nice, but it won't work the way people want it to work. Not with the horrible latency and matchmaking. If we want the game to be competitive it has to be fair technically. And we know that the netcode doesn't allow for that. Nor do hitboxes. Nor do different graphic settings for different platforms/consoles.

    (This was just my 2 copper going along while watching the video. Also these are genuine questions.)

  7. This is how I feel about dbd and wether it’s casual or competitive; please be warned it’s going to end up being a novel so if you don’t want to spend time reading it, the tldr is DBD killed it’s own competitiveness and it’s in this weird state now, and if it’s going to be competitive it needs a real incentive.

    First, your level of play and incentive to win either side does not mean anything anymore. What do I mean by this? In the past as I’m sure most people know, dbd was a ranked game. Your rank determined the players you played with and against. For instance people at the red ranks would play with other red ranks, and grey ranks would play with grey ranks, and each month your grade would be reset one color down so people who reached a high rank previously stayed at a higher rank. Now you could get to a high rank without being very skillful, and instead just hiding most of the game, but back then hiding was so much more easy and viable back then, and also looping well was a rare thing. You were better off, and I’d argue against a killer like Nurse this is still true, just hiding. Now, what does this have to do current dbd? We now have SBMM, an MMR that actually has caps for low, mid, and high, and the only feeling of progress doesn’t do anything but determine the bp you get at the end of the season. MMR is in reality and invisible ranked mode. There’s no incentive to play in ways that are efficient other than a desire to. And not everyone has this desire. If dbd were to become a competitive game they need to completely overhaul progression and bring back at least some type of rank people can show off and be proud of that shows their skill, because let’s be honest prestige never meant anything and it still means nothing. The games and matchmaking themselves don’t have to abide by these ranks, but it has to feel like an achievement. Rank 1 was an achievement at one point in time. Now it’s like “Oh I hit iri 1.. Cool. Guess I should spend bp.” These are my thoughts

  8. im honestly stuck on the Idea of adding a "Random" Game Mode. Basically, your Perks, Items, Addons and even your Teammates are completetly Random. You can not play this Gamemode together with Friends.

    But on the other Side, The KIller will also be choosen Randomly. You can not choose which Killer you want to play and also what Perks and Addons you're gonna bring.

    As an added Benefit i would however increase the Bloodpoint Gain from these Matches and Remove the Ability to gain Pips by playing this Game Mode.

    Also your Opponents would be Random aswell. No super Strict Match Making.

    Then you add 2 Additional Gamemodes: Quick Play and "Ranked Mode".
    Ranked Mode is basically just what we currently have. MMR and also gaining Pips by playing "well"

    And Quick Match would again just search for the quickest Lobbys and would also be only possible as a Solo as you could either be given the Survivor or Killer Role depending on which Role is more desireable at the Moment.

    You would also only Face of against other Solos while Playing Quick Match.
    Also, there would be no Lobby. So you can't just Lobby Dodge if you cant find your Friends in your Quick Match Lobby. You just play the Last Survivor you played or the Killer Player that has the best MMR from you that is needed at the Moment.

    This way we wouldnt have a true "Ranked" Mode. But also have some nice alternatives to choose from.
    The Ranked Mode Matchmaking could also become more precise because if you want quick Lobbys you can just choose the Quick Match Option.

    Lastly we have a nice Way to make sure you are not getting against a fully stacked 4 Man SWF by having Quick Match be a thing and also the Random Game Mode for fun.

    Thank you for reading and please leave me some Comments on what you think 😀

  9. I don't mind losing a tough match I do mind losing a 3 minute match where I had literally 0 chance to win that's what really irritates me in ANY other game if you lose there are things to take away from it and in dbd some losses are so bad there was nothing you could've done different except main nurse

  10. I think the variance of what can be brought is the main reason people call it a party game. Nurse should honestly be her own launcher and a different game entirely, and a meta kit Blight is a very different match from a perkless/add-onless Clown. Same with Survivor, empty kit or BTL giga-toolboxes. Even if you take meme builds instead of empty loadouts, it is the same massive world of difference.

    Smash is not competitive by default, it is a party game by default. In competitive you have to delete items (1/3rd of the game), maps (1/3rd of the game), and only about 5-10 characters are viable. That means you basically have to disable 90% of the actual game to make it playable for competitive. That is such a world of difference it is in the same realm as Nurse deserving to be a different installer. I love playing games, I hate playing MLG rulesets.

  11. Obviously everyone likes to win in games, but people dont neccesarily flock to play a casual games
    for just winning, its more so for the fun of the gameplay or the journey of accquiring the victory.

    One aspect when this is specially the case is in why facing a bully squad SWF or a gen-jockey
    SWF is so overwhelming.

    In the moment, caring for winning long went out of the window, its about dealing with the flood of stool that
    you're possibly going trough, to finally end the match, to get back to enjoying the game.

    Even if you were to win against them, most of the time it's not even rewarding or comforting unless you really
    stomped them. Relieved, even drained, and some people, even emotionally frustrated at the outcome,
    you at least can now move on from that match into the next.

  12. its party for survivors but its comp for killer you cant really casually player killer like you can casually play survivor, id love to be able to listen to music while playing killer but sadly I cant.

    You can casually play survivor and still get out pretty often but if you casually play killer you are going to get destroyed, tbagged at the gates etc.

  13. Can we take time to appreciate how you adamantly refuse to say Dead By Daylight I'm not sure why but it gets a chuckle out of me every time you don't say it and I can't wait to hear the shit you replace it with and great video as always.

  14. I do think there are matches that are unfun because of the sweatiness of the killer or survivor. There was a game with a very experienced Blight and Huntress that felt impossible to do anything. I grab my teammate from hook my friend is down, I grab my friend someone else goes down, I grab them I go down as a result. Getting steam shit on like that doesn't feel great especially when the other side talks shit after. (I feel like survivors talk shit more but it might just be because their are 4 people that have the chance to talk shit)

  15. before watching this my personal opinion has always been that the game can’t be competitive because both sides are doing 2 completely different things with different skill sets (and varying degrees of skill ceilings and floor between both sides). I genuinely believe that mario party is more competitively viable than dbd (not saying that mario party with all its rng is a comp game, just that its still more focused than dbd). You can play dbd to win because ofc when you have an objective why would you just say “um no” but making actual tournaments for dbd will never not seem dumb to me.

    Edit: You mentioning mario kart, Smash Bros, and even apex as a party game and as party games I completely disagree with. Mario Kart has 1 clear goal that everyone shares which is fight for first place and the “rng” of items has been solved essentially so good players know where to be for the items they need. Smash is a fighting game where the rng is items but competitive smash turns items off so the game is just 2 people beating eachother up. Apex being a batte royal I will give you that to an extent but the game has many systems in place to limit rng and ways to bring back members of teams if they do die to just an unfortunate situation. There’s a reason why apex has a pro scene while fortnite let theirs die because 1 was catered to it while the other just forced esport on the game. With all that said the part I agree the most about is which I had the same opinion before watching (as I said before the edit) is that being mad that people want to play the game to win instead of “have fun” is so silly. The game is so barebones where killers only have 1 objective (hook and sacrifice as many people they can) and survivors have 1 main objective (do gens and leave) with occasional side ones depending on killer and perks. If the killer isn’t trying to get downs as fast as possible what else are they gonna do? if survivors aren’t being chased why would they not be on a gen? sure there’s unfun ways to win (all of which are on the killers end because of survivors do anything other than gens they ultimately slow down their winning) but unfun ways to win are ultimately a problem with the game not the player. MK11, a fighting game with tournaments had a character so brain dead easy they could win matches with just 2 moves (any mk fans remember sheeva 😉 and was left in the game for so long that pro players abused her specifically to get her live in tournaments so she would be nerfed. Notice how face camping is being finally dealt with now? are their stronger things besides face camping that are also unfun? yeah absolutely but that’s a problem with the game not the person using a strategy that the game allows. If you want the people in your games to play how you want them to, go play a PvE game or a different pvp where the best gameplay is still fun

  16. Funny, the video you think most people will disagree with you on is probably the one I agree with you the most lol. Anyway, I wanted to share my thoughts on a competitive mode since it wasn’t talked about much in the video and I’m curious about what others think, so here goes.

    I’ve been playing dbd for years now, mainly killer, and for a while that satisfied me. One day on a whim, I got in contact with some competitive survivors and I played a few games against them it was some of the most fun I’ve had in dbd in a while. I could finally play to my full potential because I knew my opponents could take it, and I could really show off my skill in the game I’ve spent years mastering. That’s why I want a competitive mode. I want to show off without being insulted for playing well and really hone my skills further. It may not make everyone happy, but I know it would make me happy so it can’t be that bad of an idea

  17. id say dbd has been competitive ever since pinhead and mmr came out, the win condition being set and rewards being put out to reaching higher ranks made people more competitive. before that you only ranked up if you wanted to, losing a few games you knew you were gonna face worse players, this was exploited by people that wanted to bully babies sure but id say it was better than an invisible number telling you how good you are. nowadays you have to thank killers for not tunnelling someone out at 5 gens and survivors for not predropping every pallet. and if you lose enough you'll go to mmr hell/limbo where youll never get out of the cycle of bad games over and over, unless you try your hardest to do better which means youll have harder games. so yes dbd is competitive and it has been for quite a while now because of mmr and i doubt we will ever go back.

  18. Unless all your friends playing can NOT lose their temper.. it's a great party game.
    I lost a friend because he raged at ME (Survivor) for playing badly after our friend as killer was tunneling 😂😂 None of our friends wanted to play the game again, and he is basically banished for being an asshole

  19. DBD seems like a game that is in the middle. In any case it is not suitable for a comp scene, look at all the comp tournaments and what they do; they ban half the perks and survivors are usually not allowed the same builds. The problem with comp seems to me that DBD's fun is all in the chase (this goes for both sides), what does comp do? They sit on a gen each, rushing them out, no chase and the game is over in 3 minutes regardless of the killer (even Nurse and Blight struggle). I see more and more people pre-dropping pallets because it is extremely safe. Same goes for the killer side, I hate that I have become so good at killer that I am now forced to tunnel and camp every game if I want to have a shot at winning or even just to get a decent amount of hook states.

  20. TLDR: i like slow games and competitive gameplay and hate people who tell me how to play

    i really do hate the group of people that try and tell me how to have fun at a game i love optimizing my builds il love being competitive i love winning i love making a crushing defeat i love using cheesy strats my favorite playstyles are always slow methodic games where i win on inevitability of my build thats why i love three gen knight it wins on inevitability it will win given enough time and provided i play well


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