"Is Dead by Daylight Past Its Prime?"

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Really depends what you think of “prime” as


20 thoughts on “"Is Dead by Daylight Past Its Prime?"”

  1. there was never a "prime" to this game for me. i will say that at least in terms of average gameplay experience it is way better than it was a year ago when eruption + COB + Overcharge were still the meta. everything feels more stable beyond the fact survivors constantly give up and morale tanks quickly.

    arguably i joined at the worst possible time, right around when mikaela came out and CoH was a broken overpowered mess. i tried learning killer as sadako. needless to say i had an awful time and gave up on ever playing killer pretty quickly. i've had way more enjoyment in the role the past month than i did the past two years.

  2. The patch right before MFT was still the best for me in every way. It was so balanced and outside of skull merchant 3-genning I had zero complaints… and here we are now…

  3. It's extremely easy to tell .. that the people that feel nostalgic and feel like DBD is past it's prime, are survivor mains.

    Like seriously, what are the things that were mainly worse back then? Survivor perks and survivor maps.

    The more I read these comments the more obvious it is.

    The game now is more balanced than ever, for survivors as well – but if they can't easily exploit perks and maps they will inevitably feel like worse players= less fun.

  4. I think DbD is in a constantly changing state where it goes out of it's prime, but becomes something new and has a new prime, then shedding that and going into another new prime, and this continues in cycles of about 1-2 years.

  5. People complaining about balance are just rose tinted glasses folk. The game being old necessitates balance and MMR of some kind, since players are getting better and better at the game and peoplle have the game more down to a science. If you put today's playerbase into 2016-2018 DBD the game would be so unbearable. People don't seem to get this and just want easier games. "Prime" dbd was when the game was still fresh and when you didn't know what was going on. Just try and get some enjoyment out fo the game as it is

  6. DBD was at its best in the first few years when everything was new for players, I would say until 2018-2020. DBD if they want to regain their prime, they should innovate with interesting things in their base gameplay.

  7. Its not past its prime, unfortunatly. Cause they dont deserve it in the first place, but when everything is set and done they can reinvent the game, take out bugs and add so much more that it will be better then the years we played it before.

  8. I've never given a single fuck about the "meta" of this game. The time that I had the most fun was probably 2019-2020. I played weaker builds/load-outs on both sides purposely because I was confident in my skills to A. have fun and B. possibly pull out a win. Nowadays I feels as though, if I don't play 100% optimally, with the strongest builds I have available ( I havent bought a DLC since Artist).. I'm just screwed from the get go.

  9. The game is in a good state for competitive players. We stopped playing just because we stopped having fun. Hiding was always what we found most fun in DbD, and that started dying out after the lighting update. It's 100% gone now, and it's not enjoyable to feel like you're working a factory line and every second you get the whip if your time isn't optimized. Comp players probably are eating well, but yeah, it's miserable to play for many. We went on to play TCM, where the objective is more lax and you aren't staring at a gen most of the time. And there's no looping in the typical sense.

  10. I don't play really much since skull came out. But people are bitching about made for this but the killer perks that are busted are ok. I stopped playing because of Nurse, Blight, Wesker 24/7 with most metabuilds. Just didnt have fun and have not many to plans to play except for events but even on events i don't play if i feel i don't have fun

  11. I really think the prime of the game was just when it was common to see Billy instead of it being a very rare treat. I did really like the game before boon totems were released, now I haven't played for 2 years lol


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