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My headspace isn’t 100% yet after our whirlwind we all had as a community, hope you guys are feeling better, I am still not playing 100% however, I was able to capatilise on David beeing super BOLD
After this match, one of the players came in and asked why I tunnelled the David out, I explained I played bad andsome great chases and I took an advantage.
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
Uhh yeah new Video lets go <3
yay new vid lets gooo Jay
Keep plugging away, you produce great content and wish ya all the best. You deserve success
Ive learned to play killer sometimes playing fair dosent work so tunneling and slugging has to be done to make the game just a bit easier
Loved the Video ! that she got the hatch was so lucky , but wp the Survs played good !
My main, my team, Legion! I've gotten to play them a lot since the update and they're so buttery smooth now. It feels really good playing as them. There's so many different builds one can run now with the add-on changes, it's crazy. I hope you play more of them, Jay.
Too bad you where a bit too distracted to notice the pain sounds she was making. You passed her as you where heading to the guy on the hook.. Was fairly early in your walk to said hook from the door. She could have escaped through the exit gate but odds are it was the hatch.
The trick is always to instill as much fear as you can early. When survivors think that they can stay close to the killer with no consequences they've already won
I get crap all the time for tunnelling, like I'm supposed to purpously play inefficient or something, contrary to what survivors do every match. Same thing with noed.
People cry about anything effective killer has.
I am back again. Jay + Legion is always good. /chefs kiss
I personally think that as long as you are not hijacking the game (delaying it on purpose to an absurd extent), cheating, or hate speech on end chat; then there is no real reason to report a killer for just playing the game. Tunneling and camping are legitimate ways to play the game.
That being said, I will consider a killer who tunnels and camps the very first person they see (thus said survivor getting less than 5k points and not being able to play) as an asshole. I would not report or insult them, just personally dislike that.
Sort of how I consider survivors treating a baby killer like shit to also be distasteful. No rule on that either, just how I feel about it personally.
Tunnelling or camping past early match I have no real issues with. Killers have just as much a right to be as sweaty as a survivor might be.
(Resubmitted because editing on mobile is impossible)
I think it’s really funny when the people who get immediately off the hook, try to do a gen without healing and then cry about getting tunnels. Like, WHY are you doing a gen the second they unhook you. I only tunnel when I need to but if the survivors give me the perfect opportunity to tunnel I’ll take it.
I’m the Claire who said why’d you tunnel, just find it funny that turned into a vid
Not salty or anything I was just like wow that’s a video
The legion is an easy A tier killer in the right hands with the right build.
Over altruism is what kills most teams. Just take the down and stick to gens.
Jay my friend I'm rewatching things but I see sadly that the cyst that stuck to dbd called toxicity has ruined the game for many I play some games and work on my space billy and such but the game itself burnt me out through toxicity I'm sure you as anyone can understand that at some point any amount could be enough toxicity for you to need to walk away to breath and wait it out .. I used to be a angry person but the more I'm hit by toxicity while playing the more I want to play another game more often by myself which sucks
Legion’s rework is absolutely mad! There’s soo many different combinations of add-ons / perks, still getting used to them all too! Gg Jay
Loved watching this live, was a great game! Contents good jay! All the best
Awesome content, man. I appreciate the laid back approach, and not getting a headache because people are over acting/screaming into their mic. You're just playing the game, relaxed, while being you. I appreciate that. Keep up the good work!!
Also….I don't even know, if you will know whom this is. However, I've got to say, man. You REALLY look like Eddie Hall (worlds strongest man multiple times)
Especially, when you don't have a hat on and just have that strip of hair similar to him, as well. I apologize, if I am wrong.. I am not the best with accents. But you sound British to me, and that's another thing that adds to you looking like him (even though, it's technically sound) Ha ha. ( It's all my opinion of course, but I doubt I would be the only one to see this to some degree or another)
Take it easy, man. Thanks, again!
You summed that up really well Jay! You had to claw back something from the game and the best way to do that was get the David out. It’s like I always say the killer is also a person trying to win.
Tbh, no mither kinds of lends itself to getting tunneled, plus even when you do it's not like you stopped them from healing, they'll probably get the same amount of chase time as long as you didn't hit them actually right off the hook, which didn't happen this match. It reduced their points and gen time but it wasn't abusing the mechanic to have less chase.
You can be kind and chase instead of block the hook, but I think you can't even be surprised if a camp happens after gens are finished. This match overall isn't an example of more vile camp/tunnel. I don't like camping/tunneling and I think the usual excuses are kind of weak/boring but I would never use a match like this one as an example of the problem. Well played!
I saw this live!
No you're not bad for trying to win. You play smart, even after your mistakes you get results. It's a game everyone wants to win, why is it bad for you?
You play well, boss!
Sucks to have people hate you because you do very well in game. I may cuss a bit through my games but i always respect a good killer and give props at end.
Survivors do what it takes to win, but it's wrong for the Killer to do the same? No, that's not how the world works.
i dont see how ppl main killer. every time i play killer i get bullied constantly. so not worth it
I been playing the hell outa ghostface but as survivor I haven't seen him once maybe it's the chase music
I am loving this new approach to in game and end game banter. Really chilled.
You are correct there's nothing wrong with you doing what you need to and pull something back from the game.
I think it would be rich of people to expect you to be in that position and continue to play normally knowing that it at most will result in a 1k.
Why should you accept that when there's a chance you can get more.
The attitude you've taken is great to see though. Positive and happy!
If I wasn't a nobody with no clout I'd tell people to sub to you because I believe that you will take this mentality moving forward and still play to win but with happy positive vibes while doing it.
Also props for staying 100% cool and calm while someone in chat asked why you tunnelled. That response was
What happened to the ayrun videos? I was trying to share them with some friends but they don't appear to be up anymore
Why didn't you give the real answer, Jay? "Why did you tunnel?" The true answer is "because I'm dogshit at the game and I have to camp/tunnel in every game in order to get any kills"