Is Leatherface's Claudette Skin Racist? | Dead by Daylight Mid-Chapter Update

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Weโ€™ve got a great dead by daylight discussion today boys! Is Bubbaโ€™s Claudette skin racist? If so, are the other skins racist? Let me know how you feel about this and the dbd mid chapter developer update in general in the comments below !

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32 thoughts on “Is Leatherface's Claudette Skin Racist? | Dead by Daylight Mid-Chapter Update”

  1. Sorry but the removal of the face mask is just stupid, I'm Hispanic and if Bubba was wearing a Hispanic character's face I wouldn't view that as insulting because I understand it's a cosmetic but if another player calls me a wet** then I would consider that actually racist. I've dealt with many killers who would either tunnel or facecamp or survivors who teabag and clicky click and I consider that more problematic than a simple cosmetic

  2. I feel like the only chance for it to be racist is in the post-game chat right? The one, very specific, scenario where a face-camping claudie-face bubba types racial slurs in the post-game chat and refers to the claudie mask as being apart of his racist identity?

  3. This is the problem with the woke crowd, its white liberals who talk for minorities, without actually asking what minorities really want. They effectively remove all representation. Example: When they tried to get speedy Gonzales removed from TV, and they were successful. Then the TV stations got it back on air, because the Hispanic community was outraged that it was removed.

  4. I get where bhvr is coming from on this but I think there going about it the wrong way. At best this will slightly inconvenience the people who were using it to harass players and at worse will encourage more bad and racist behavior from the same people now that they got bhvr to overreact like this.

  5. Honestly it'll only fuel the flames and make racist find a different way to relay their racism. Jake is Asian btw so wouldn't wearing his face also be racist? I don't get it but removing the faces altogether was probably for the best even if it does fit with leatherfaces character. It isn't gonna stop people from tunneling Asian/black characters and being racist it's just taking one method of racism away. It's still gonna happen no matter what. Real murkey issue so there's no real answer here to me :/

  6. I'm personally sad the masks are getting removed because I loved using the Claudette and Meg masks because they're my favorite survivors and Bubba is one of my favorite killers so it felt like a perfect match haha
    Edit: Also imo Claudette's face was the best looking mask

  7. The pride charm targetting argument has always been weird to me bc like… Who tf looks at survivor's charms mid game lmao. They're so small and hard to see. I've been playing with the pride charm on since it's been added on a lot of characters and I have NEVER been targeted for it lol

  8. It's not, and removing them solves nothing. They have known about this issue for quite literally years. Instead of banning players who are actually being racist (and I'm talking about in game, with their names, and then in chat, coupled with actions), they ignored it and allowed it to fester… for YEARS. Something else that is being brushed over, is the fact I know people personally who are black.. who will only use that skin on Bubba because to them the other characters don't apeal to them as much. So not only did they and others spend hundreds of hours to get a cosmetic that will now be removed.. but.. all the same racists will STILL be allowed to target players… NOTHING will be solved, and people who pretended like they were being targeted and weren't (because there's a FUCK TON of streamers who always think someone's targeting them, or being racist, or stream sniping them, meanwhile they have 2 viewers and the killer is playing normally).. these people will now feel that they've got a win, and will double down with their next out rage campaign… all because BHVR couldn't be fucked to ban actual racist players when they've had years to do so.

  9. thank you ๐Ÿ™ so much for your honesty and making itโ€™s open discussion about remove about bubba black face I am disappointed about it and thank you for being only YouTuber for taking about it another one just brush it off

  10. Ive been playing for a good bit and I didn't even know you could unlock the masks tbh, but I get the reason to remove it. Nice vid my guy keep up the good work ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  11. It's in poor taste…Leather face never wore a black persons face in any of the movies and one would assume the directors realized such. Black face is disrespectful AF just calling it for what it is. With all of that said I do feel DBD should replace the faces with some sort of other item due to the players grind to achieve them.
    My 2 cents…

  12. I find it dum how you can say something about a black person but it would be racist but if it was a white person nope not racist like Iโ€™m part German and I get called hitler but thatโ€™s not racist somehow but if I make a joke about how you are a hard worker I would get canceled

  13. I have never had a problem with someone based on their orientation or using pride flags In the game. I have never gotten the pride flags because I don't completely agree with it based on my beliefs. One thing I can tell you now is that I will from this day forward camp and tunnel anyone using a non white character or who has the pride flag, and guess what…. No one will notice. So many people use non white characters and have pride flags so Noone would notice. It's just a bunch of sjws who can't leave 2016 behind them and live in realitym

  14. If yo uthink claudette's skin on bubba is rasism commit suicide. he wears claudette's face. Nothing wrong with that. The ones who point it out as rasism are actual rasists who will not accept a multicultural society without taboos. Morgan Freeman himself was asked about rasism and he said "Stop talking about it". PERIOD.WORD.

  15. It sort of seems kinda dumb to me to do this when as far as I'm aware there are no black killers, so it's mainly white killers being violent to black survivors which they seem to have no problem with… Isn't that hateful and racist too??? As a white guy Claude is my main, is that not then racist for me to play her? Shouldn't that be addressed too?

  16. Bowing down to the left as usual… It's only racist if you look at it from a racist POV… So ok let's get rid of that one face and be able to put someone else on there instead…. Just white liberals trying to virtue signal to blacks…. Well then I want the pride charm removed…. I used to play this game all the time until I saw how left the community was and complained about everything..

  17. Those who are crying racist for a mask in a game are ones you don't want to listen to cuz they will cry racist and all the other ists anyway bend the knee to the mob and they will take more control

  18. Honestly I think they should just change the name cuz itโ€™s called blackface. None of the other survivors are named after their skin they are named after their personality like Dwight called leaderface. Or jake called survivorface. Or Meg I think itโ€™s called athlete face.


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