Is Skull Merchant Really THAT Bad? – Dead By Daylight Killer

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This was my first game as her and I went on to play her for quite a few more hours, even after my stream ended, to make sure I had a good grasp on her before I formed an opinion.

A COUPLE THINGS I DIDNT SAY IN THE VID: she is actually quite solid on 2 story indoor maps like midwich, rpd, and the game as her drones go through floors. she also has some super solid add-ons. also, even editing this after playing her a bit more, i see a hundred mistakes with her i made, but all my opinions still stand even after playing her more.



15 thoughts on “Is Skull Merchant Really THAT Bad? – Dead By Daylight Killer”

  1. I like the idea of the drones causing survivors to lose a health state if they stay in the drones area too long instead of just getting exposed. This would give her drones actual threat and area denial while keeping her current information. Her add ons would need reworking for this but that's to be expected from such a rework.

  2. honestly though I believe she's good, I only got 4k's when I played her match after match. I got a bit bored after a few matches and just stopped. The argument she can't do anything with the amount of info she gets is so stupid to me because thats literally the thing I always struggled on in the game, Now when survivor just wants to go back to their gen that was 75 it doesnt even matter because I usually bring the addon where I see their aura if the drone goes off and then ik which gens to pressure. I feel like it helps get down a 3 gen too earlier in the match because you know what gens the survs are gonna go to and this killer with a 3 gen is honestly pretty good. It's just my opinion but honestly rn I just feel like everyone in dbd just automatically seeks for something to hate instead of the new stuff we got, her perks are shittyish but honestly I feel like they would be so fun with some builds. I'm so excited to figure out about what i can do with her because all the information she gives you can create some really funny moments especially with the undetectable status effect. I also would like to bring in the fact that everyone upset about her drones not doing damage like they'd want them to would just be soo op to me…. Like they can already camp gens pretty easily and if she's camping in the area or sets up a bot at a loop, they're pretty quick to turn on and detect people, esp when you activate them yourself I just feel like the devs did a decent job not going too into it, the only thing I'm too upset about is def the mori cause yeah, poo poo mori….

  3. I personally don’t think she’s a top-tier killer or anything but she’s not a garbage killer like people wanna say. Especially post-PTB. I’d personally put her mid- to low-B tier. She’s good, fun, not crazy, but decently fair

  4. She's amazing. I knew that from the moment I realized what her concept was. Man why are so many Dbd content creators so impatient to judge a character. She might be super powerful but I found her very entertaining and satisfying to play as.

  5. Problem is that they're selling her with sex on the mind, not long-term gameplay or even for horror. I just don't like her as a character. There's little to no explanation as to why she kills people the way she does, or with the weapon she uses – a giant claw hand, seriously? And her alternate outfit – which has horrible clipping issues to begin with – is the most sexualized skin of any character in the game, especially when using her mori. She feels one dimensional.


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