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26 thoughts on “IS THE FINALLY TRICKSTER ADEPT? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Trickster: Hey entity, could you give me adept achievement?
    Entity: No.
    Trickster: What if I don't use my knives, would you give me adept?
    Entity: No.
    Trickster: How about using these instadown addons, and I play perfectly according to this plan to max hook everyone without slugging and going far away from hooks and do everything right, would y-
    Entity: N O

  2. True I don’t mean to criticize just wanted to bring to your attention if you try this again. There were several times when you were trying to do your Insta down tactic where you had starstruck going. You could have just swung at them if you watch it back. Could have saved you time in the chases and maybe gotten closer to merciless by doing so

  3. I don't really understand why they gave him glass knives as his power. I feel like his lore could have opened him up to some unique mechanics like having a recorder for capturing screams and the more he gets he begins to build up a meter. Once his meter is full he breaks out into a sprint like legion but can hit them with regular bat M1's. Might even have good synergy with infectious fright. Idk, kinda wish they did more with the scream sampling / music angle. Hell even if he had actual knives instead of glass knives I think he would be ten times cooler.

  4. Really stupid that you have to play ineffectively to get adept just because survivors are entitled asshats who disconect or kill themselves on hook when they're losing too badly.

    They should either start punishing disconnects or killing yourself early or just redesign the way they do points for killers cause this is just stupid.

  5. The Emblem system is legit broken. How is that not a double pip but I can actually double pip after Indidious camping one dude while waiting for a Main Event double take-down (yeah, it happened, I was legitimately shocked myself)?

  6. just played 1 game vs trickster. he got buffed a lot too much hes too op now. the devs need to nerf him, and to the killer mains: just saying, if we survivors don't play anymore, you won't be able to play too.

  7. Majority of the community are like 13 yr old kids. Every solo match i go into I literally message em cuz their not doing anything. 9/10 ppl i message are kids… keep this in mind ppl 😂

  8. i just got the adept today finally using your add-ons. although i didn't one shot everyone there were times i messed up and threw one too many knives and injured them so thats probably why i got it


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