Is The Fog Whisperer Program Healthy? | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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16 thoughts on “Is The Fog Whisperer Program Healthy? | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. I feel like the strawman fallacy is brought up too often like a buzzword. Had a guy telling me I shouldnt use friends til the end(was playing chuckie btw) because it was one of the more op perk and even Otzdarva acknowledged that it's broken. I told him, well he could bring whatever he wants and I'll bring whatever I want to. Boom, told me that i was using strawman fallacy and belittling his statement. bruv, I'm not here to argue, just to tell you you have no power over me to decide how I want to play…

  2. I will NEVER understand the mentality that insulting the devs as feedback equals constructive criticism. It absolutely boggles my mind how people can opine about how much they love this game, or used to love this game, and in the SAME EXACT BREATH insult the devs who actually love this game.

    This is the reason I like watching Kaiser's content. They have a habit of saying, I don't like X for Y reason, Z idea could help with that maybe. They give ACTUAL constructive criticisms on things they do not like, things they like but could be better, and things they really love. THAT, DbD community, is how you talk to the devs of a game you like. You don't shit on the people making your game, you have a discussion, a back and forth if you will.

    It is also the same with content creators. When I heard Kaiser say they weren't making Tier list vids anymore because of bigotry and death threats… Come on DbD community, you HAVE to be better then rock bottom. This community has a LOT of LGBTQIA+ people playing it. I'm one of them. how can you treat your members so poorly.

    Ugh, sorry for the rant, this weeks been not fun for DbD and this shit with the community attacking itself and the devs needs to stop.

  3. I agree that behavior listens. It just takes forever for them to implement what they’re listening to. You know what I mean luckily in the recent update they switch to unreal five so that should speed up the process, but you do have to admit the rate at which the implement changes is unacceptable, even though there listening

  4. fog whisperers are show ponies to promote the game (the same game built off of said ponies). they get next to nothing and often jump thru hoops just to get a single charm or t shirt. how often does Otz say "I suggest changes and feel like a mute"

  5. Most likely true what you are saying, but they removed Dowseys Twitch Shirts after his discrepancy with Patrick (the hockey analogy stream), but I think at this point he wasn’t a dog whisperer anymore. But this one instant where they „lashed out“.

    To the PTB thing…yes it’s good they listened, but some changes (like the Twins) are so horrendously bad, like stupidly bad on a level I can’t imagine, where they shouldn’t get praised for reverting it. The other PTB I can think of was the Engraving Nerf to Billy, no one asked for that and they reverted it after the outcry of the community.

    And if my tinfoil hat is really tight around my head, sometimes it feels they have one extra bad take just to get credit for „listening“. Because some changes are not even in the slightest explainable.

  6. thats one thing I do agree with, I've watched numerous fog whisperers critiize the game (Like The King calling The Skull Merchant Chapter the worse chapter ever). I also do agree Behavior does listen, but I do think they do take a long time to implement them.

  7. Dowsey and true talent both lost their fog whisperer privileges from criticism of the devs and game, it’s super unhealthy because the devs can’t take any criticism at all. You cannot even mention a dev making a bad decision or criticize something they said without being banned on the forum. Dbd is by far the worst community I have ever been a part of everyone is so entitled from the people playing to especially other streamers and exceptionally the devs.

  8. At the end of the day, the Fog Whisperers are merely sponsored streamers. The devs seem to be almost…random(?) in whom they will hear out and when. Like, if the devs actually listened to their inner circle there, Trapper would have been given more love eons ago thanks to Otzdarva's passion for the Trapper, being an ex-trapper main. Honestly, the only reason why trapper has the ability to carry two traps now days IS because of Otz's pleas back in like 2021. Never forget one-trap andy.

    Anywho, endlessly shitting on the devs will accomplish nothing. It only encourages what they do now: stay silent and listen at random. The vocal minority of the community who spew endless hate really ruin it for the rest who silently enjoy the game. At the end of the day, most of us want the devs to know what we love and what we'd like from the future. I think the best method these days to contact them about your feelings with the game are when they send out those surveys now and then. Trying to shake them down on twitter or reddit yields next to nothing.

  9. I only watched until the 2 minute mark. This video is already stupid. Alot of this sounds like its from this Dousy drama with the devs. Spook n jukes covered it a while ago.

  10. Ok well first of all that one dude you mentioned is definitely crazy. Secondly in regards to the fog whisperer programme. I feel like it isn't being used as effectively as it should be. Hell I can't even remember the last time they added new folks to the table for that. As for criticism: I know I myself have been very aggressive in my reactions to their choices. Best example I can give for this is the meta shake up with off the record getting buffed to a stupid point. But when it comes to it, looking beyond myself here I don't think folks know how to write a criticism and still be fair about things. Maybe I'm wrong but tbh I think emotions get in the way waaay too much


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