Is the MMR just broken? | Dead by Daylight

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00:00 Reactions to the Q&A
05:05 MMR explained in detail
10:25 The bigger issue

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28 thoughts on “Is the MMR just broken? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. You explained that if someone that always sacrifies him/herself for the team it should be fine in swf. But what happens if the same happens to a Solo Q player that keeps sacrifising for the team?

  2. Only a few hundred hours in to the game so new, but IMO it seems like game balance is the underlying issue. Perks like decisive and BT are too strong to pass up, as is pop/ruin/corrupt. The game might benefit from removing some and turning them into normal gameplay mechanics, ie everyone has BT, a weaker version of decisive, all gens regress slowly if not being worked on, etc. Would take a lot of experimenting, but the game feels stale quick if everyone has to play certain builds to win.

  3. It makes it really hard to enjoy the game personally, ever time I do well with a killer I feel like I have to keep playing that killer because if I don't I'll get stomped on by really sweaty survivors so it disincentives me from playing anything other than my main or the killers I have good perks on. As flawed as the old system was I liked it more since I wasn't getting 4 bnps and haddonfield offerings every other match.

  4. Here's a suggestion… remove the mmr from the damn game, the only reason they put it in is to try and get themselves into the big game tournaments with cod and all of that. This is supposed to be community game not a competitive one. Or just add a casual mode and then the rank mode with it like some games do, that way you can have one mode were you just want to relax and play, and one that gives you rewards and ranking for winning. Iron banner and trials of Osiris are good examples but no matter what your still gonna get those sweaty players. This will just help take away the stress for both parties.

  5. I play like 4 to 6 hours daily… I think the SBMMR needs some adjustments as killer I has been in queue 10 minutes or more. For begin to make more fairlure matches, I think is a good beginning.. Thanks for the explanation (My english is aweful, but I tried, ok? LuL)

  6. What I liked about old system is that it was in very dbd lore spirit. It encouraged you not to just kill everyone, but prolong the pleasure, to toy with your prey, to make survs "suffer" before you kill them. That had kinda atmosphere, and "win" was basically giving survs an exhausting long game.

  7. I havnt had a single fun game since the mmr update, ive uninstalled the game, as a casual player being paired with tryhards im just really not having fun and ive always been around rank 20-15 and i got paired accordingly. It worked perfect for me, i had good games i had bad games but they all felt fair.

  8. what I've noticed, as a killer main, is that as soon as the mmr went into effect my matches got a lot easier. With the old system i was probably around a 50-60% win rate, and now I'm sitting at a 85-90% average win rate. And I don't know why. I can't tell if I've just improved, which I think I am, but not that dramatically, or if the system is giving me less experienced survs for some reason.

  9. I'd definitely rather they focus on creating ways to disinsentive unfun gameplay than worry too much about MMR. I feel like 1/6 games I play end up with a super sweaty face-camping no fun killer who has been insentivised to play that way because of certain things within the game. :/
    I don't think its fun when a killer tunnels one person and sits on the hook, especially when they bring something like noed and end up insta-downing everyone after basically doing nothing all game.

  10. My problem is, is that i am doing well on capitalizing on mistakes, my problem is now tho that i get each game either haddonfield or keys or insanely strong med kits, it is probably fun as a casual, lor to high mmr killer, but being very high is absolute pain in this game due to how the system works as of yet.

  11. I stopped playing in the evening and at night because EVERY game against sweaty swf with keys, map offerings and very strong medkits. Also i played against you, Hens and Ev3ntic, i was Demogorgon with Eruption, it was a fun match, at least something good with MMR.

  12. If dbd is a 1v1 game for each survivor, fuck my team I will never attempt to save someone at end game collapse again xD what the hell is their expectations haha. I love playing stupid ass builds (my david tapp is level 1 so i can even play a "to perk tapp build") An now thats out the fucking window. Im sweating and getting my wins, thats it

  13. incredibly high mmr survivor only exists in a swf because when you play solo even if you do everything right you will always be paired with people that don't give a shit about you, once in a blue moon you will get other solo survivors that care about anyone else besides themselves or their squad when you solo que it often feels like a 1v4 only one of the 4 has stats that is massivly out classing you in speed, less hinderance and the ability to stop you from doing litterally anything in the game. so the thing every survivor main learns is either play killer or play in a swf even if it is just one other person that wont leave you for dead at the drop of a hat.

  14. So I am just some killer main player who used to have an easy time hitting red ranks. I took a break from the game for a few months and started playing a while ago again.
    I've got 800 hrs played and whenever I queue up against other PC players (I have crossplay enabled) I check their stream profiles. Whenever I am able to check them (lots of the time they are private) it shows that my opponents have between 1,500 and 3,500 hrs played. And I can feel the difference.
    Because I've been taking a break I deranked to a really low spot. Iron, bronze or whatever. And from my first game on all of my opponents were iridescent/red ranked/graded or whatever you call it.
    I've started to lose lots of games now, since I usually can't dominate a game with a mid tier killer like Nemesis against 4 survivors where I can see that 3 of them have 2,500'ish hours played, all running 4 meta perks and looping how you are supposed to loop, aswell as bringing stupid map offerings like the resident evil one.
    I stopped expecting to win. Even when I tunnel gens just fly past so quick that most of the time games are over within 4-5 minutes.
    I don't know what changed, but I did enjoy the game way more before they changed all that.

    I started maining Pyramid Head since then and I am getting way better results now, but even though I lost lots of games in the past few weeks, the game still only matches me up against iridescent veteran players with atleast double my playtime.


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