i think her chase potential is pretty bad lowkey, my solution to this is to let her phase through pallets and vaults while demanifested, BUT after she faces through one in a chase her time to manifest increases for a couple seconds. this way i think it would still give the survivors a chance to get somewhere safe after she follows right behind them
If a killer needs slow down perks to get their slow down kit to even have any impact then theres a problem. They just need to buff her chase. If hooks are going to be tied to her slowdown then she needs to actually be able to get hooks. Thats assuming hooks locking in condem is even a big deal in the long run anyway.
While I love her design and think she's in a better spot, i'm still sad she just feels like bad wraith to me. I wish she had a little something in chase or condemn to do a little something more than just "you die" at full stacks. Could have sadako jumpscares happen at certain condemns and see fake sadako's walking around or appearing just for some more flavor.
GG Scott, I was the Jeff player in the second Sadako game. My PC crashed which is why I got disconnected during that match, sorry about that! Looking forward to seeing how Sadako plays on live servers with a bigger sample size of matches, she definitely feels like shes in a better and more fun/engaging place than she was before, but still felt pretty strong, especially if you can pressure someone to they can't return tapes. We played another match after the ones in this video where I never got a chance to get a tape back, and wound up with like 6 stacks of perma-condemned by my first hook… Clarkee tried so hard to protect me but the Sadako pressure was too much!
This is basically how I've been playing her since I picked her up in October anyway. The haha spam tp memes really didn't work against good teams, and both styles were equally strong against weak teams in my exp. Curious to see how this plays out live, I'd be happy to see her win rate go down a bit cos she is super strong.
To help her with chase maybe survivors get a %1.5-2 hindrance effect for each condemn stack the survivor has or to make her slowdown better give each survivor a %5 penalty to repair/heal/open gate penalty for each condemn stck they have. Most survivors will be locked at 2-4 stacks anyways so at max they get a %5-6 hindrance effect which isn't that unfair
Today i could finally make out that it's a persons head behind mini scott. For the past year I thought he just had a chair with a weird headrest that made him look Stephen Hawking
I honestly I don’t understand the sounds good on paper analogy because technically speaking locking condemn wouldn’t matter because what’s the point in trying to go for condemn anymore when ebony mori is going to be faster anyway. You can tunnel someone faster than taking all game to condemn.
Hey Scott really been uploading your recent style of videos where you have gameplay at the end. You’ve mentioned this channel is to rant about your impressions and takes of the game and that’s why I watch you but I also enjoy your gameplay. While I can always watch the videos if I’m not always able to tune to the stream, you picking out gameplay that relates to your rants is more enjoyable then watching the vod. Keep it up and hope your health gets better everyday.
I feel like giving Sadako the ability to phase through pallets and windows would be nice (when not materialized). Something to compliment her chase a bit and she would be a fine, average killer.
The thing I'm noticing with you playing Sadako is that you're not using your invisibility, be it to sneak up or using it in chase. You say she doesn't have a chase power, but the complete and untrackable invisibility she has is a valuable tool in her kit that improves her lethality. Not utilizing her invisibility is like not using demo portals. Sure, you can play well enough without utilizing the portals or invis, but then youre not using the killer to their fullest potential
Sadako's invisiblity allows her to mindgame virtually any loop at will, and put the mindgame much more in her favor. It's hardly as broken as say blight or nurse, as it's still only a mindgame and the survivor can win it and ks countered by holding W. Reiko's watch + old newspaper bring sadako's lethality to the next level, and why i think they should be basekit so she has some chase capability.
So, if you want to make sadako more lethal, ditch the other addons, distorted photo sucks anyways, and use reiko's watch+old newspaper. Personally, i run bamboozle and brutal to accentuate her chase more. I like bbq as my info + ruin since ruin means i dont have to bother kicking gens, but honestly use whatever other two perks you want.
But tips for using Sadako's invis to get hits. #1 is to use cover. Sadako is like the only killer who really likes LoS blockers and can use them to her advantage. When youre sneaking up to a gen or other point of interest, hide behind cover when youre visible and move closer when youre invisible. Once you start to turn visible, you'll ideal be right on top of a survivor amd and can manifest for an easy first hit.
Using invis while in chase is more complex, but still follows the same logic of using LoS, at least at taller loops and longer/stronger loops like shack. In those instances, youll want to rely on reiko's watch to get close before manifesting. At shorter loops, using post manifestation invis is the better option since otherwise in the time it takes to manifest, the survivor could make it to the window/pallet.
Still though, I'm glad shes in a healthier state, even if it's weaker lol. I think its more fun thay way.
I definitely think this is a better spot for her in the game. The condemn playstyle always felt dull to play and to play against. I agree she needs something in chase, even if it was something like Wraith's speed boost out of stealth.
Hey Scott, love your content. I've been getting into Dark and Darker lately and I noticed you streamed it before, will you be doing content on it in the future? It's hard to find decent content on it for YouTube, at least content that's not clickbait-y and overreactive.
facing sadako on PTB made me realize how shit her invis is because you can hear exactly where she is and her mindgame just doesn't matter, exactly like dredge. also love how TV projections are still so telegraphed and loud, only kinda threatening if she's running fingernail. poopslop killer!
Im an oreo main and i bet she is gonna be played so much less now. everyone will be switching to blight/nurse/spirit/wesker because trying to chase someone for an hour while 3 gens pop simultaneously will just lead to having to tunnel someone out style gameplay. Ive never played her condemn playstyle, so its just a "revert to her horrible playstyle previously with a few minor buffs" type of gameplay. As for me, ill likely switch to legion and nemesis with a bit of wesker.
I think right now sadako is in the best state she's been so far, I'd still love for her to have a chase power but this is much better than playing for condemns. Right now she sorta just feels like alternate!pig, which isn't a terrible thing I guess?
Also I think you're very much underestimating mind games working on experienced players lmao, it actually took me so off guard hearing you say that they don't work on anyone with a brain when you have so much experience yourself
Genuinely how did u drag this out to 50 mins😭😭 i was gonna watch but damn I don't have an eighth of my day to spare lmao. This yt algorith meat sucking is getting out of hand
As a former Sadako main, I think this is the best version by far. Because you don't lose a Tape when hit and you don't gain 2 stacks of condemn, counterplay is more intuitive for survivors. It's a nice middle ground where holding a Tape doesn't give passive condemn, but it doesn't protect you if you are near a powered TV when she teleports. Having target TVs is better slow down (it bothered me that Iri Tape became BASEKIT OG Sadako, and it was still one of her best options), and smart Sadako's can figure out who needs to go where. But locking in condemn on hook is a unique and clever way to ramp up her secondary objective threat naturally. She's always been best at a hit and run style where she has to use her insane map mobility and limited stealth to catch people away from strong loops. Her add-ons are still underwhelming, and personally I think new Iri Tape is a terrible trade (condemn only gained if survivors pick up Tapes to hinder her mobility – in exchange for almost unlimited mobility), but Yoichi's Fishing Net can lock in permanent blindness which is interesting b/c Windows is still so common. Turn 1 of her useless add-ons into something helpful in chase (Telephone is barely noticeable IMO) and tweak her TV spawn algorithm on maps like Crotus Prenn Asylum and I'll be perfectly happy.
Says the condemed playstyle is weak, proceeds to use gen perks that dont help with condemning people
New Sadako? Don’t you mean old Sadako?
i think her chase potential is pretty bad lowkey, my solution to this is to let her phase through pallets and vaults while demanifested, BUT after she faces through one in a chase her time to manifest increases for a couple seconds. this way i think it would still give the survivors a chance to get somewhere safe after she follows right behind them
Its hard to really quantify how I feel about new Sadako. I really didn't want another Pig, which is who she really feels like to me now.
If a killer needs slow down perks to get their slow down kit to even have any impact then theres a problem. They just need to buff her chase. If hooks are going to be tied to her slowdown then she needs to actually be able to get hooks. Thats assuming hooks locking in condem is even a big deal in the long run anyway.
While I love her design and think she's in a better spot, i'm still sad she just feels like bad wraith to me. I wish she had a little something in chase or condemn to do a little something more than just "you die" at full stacks. Could have sadako jumpscares happen at certain condemns and see fake sadako's walking around or appearing just for some more flavor.
new sadako is way too good at tunneling one person out now
GG Scott, I was the Jeff player in the second Sadako game. My PC crashed which is why I got disconnected during that match, sorry about that! Looking forward to seeing how Sadako plays on live servers with a bigger sample size of matches, she definitely feels like shes in a better and more fun/engaging place than she was before, but still felt pretty strong, especially if you can pressure someone to they can't return tapes. We played another match after the ones in this video where I never got a chance to get a tape back, and wound up with like 6 stacks of perma-condemned by my first hook… Clarkee tried so hard to protect me but the Sadako pressure was too much!
This is basically how I've been playing her since I picked her up in October anyway. The haha spam tp memes really didn't work against good teams, and both styles were equally strong against weak teams in my exp. Curious to see how this plays out live, I'd be happy to see her win rate go down a bit cos she is super strong.
Your data is invalid if you are using custom matches.
To help her with chase maybe survivors get a %1.5-2 hindrance effect for each condemn stack the survivor has or to make her slowdown better give each survivor a %5 penalty to repair/heal/open gate penalty for each condemn stck they have. Most survivors will be locked at 2-4 stacks anyways so at max they get a %5-6 hindrance effect which isn't that unfair
So Scott is starting his brand as an Otz-competitor by beefing up the length in videos. Waiting for the 18 hour video.
30:35 'Thats not where i meant to tp', still hits everyone with condemn
You know this is truly a cursed update when it forced Scott to play Sadako.
A killer that encourages hooking over killing causes more interesting gameplay? Wow would have never guessed behavior woulda put two and two
Today i could finally make out that it's a persons head behind mini scott. For the past year I thought he just had a chair with a weird headrest that made him look Stephen Hawking
She’s absolutely worse. I don’t care what nobody says. But she’s more healthier this way I guess.
Ur also not using her best addon which is screwing u over too
I honestly I don’t understand the sounds good on paper analogy because technically speaking locking condemn wouldn’t matter because what’s the point in trying to go for condemn anymore when ebony mori is going to be faster anyway. You can tunnel someone faster than taking all game to condemn.
Hey Scott really been uploading your recent style of videos where you have gameplay at the end. You’ve mentioned this channel is to rant about your impressions and takes of the game and that’s why I watch you but I also enjoy your gameplay. While I can always watch the videos if I’m not always able to tune to the stream, you picking out gameplay that relates to your rants is more enjoyable then watching the vod. Keep it up and hope your health gets better everyday.
Did not expect this to be 43 mins my dear scott
Scott how do you feel that I put you on as background noise?
I feel like giving Sadako the ability to phase through pallets and windows would be nice (when not materialized). Something to compliment her chase a bit and she would be a fine, average killer.
Scott, your nose is red. You should put something on that if it hurts!
They should do the same with Freddy mix the old version with the new one.
Did I dream that you stopped making DBD content due to a new game coming out? How did I miss all these uploads
The thing I'm noticing with you playing Sadako is that you're not using your invisibility, be it to sneak up or using it in chase. You say she doesn't have a chase power, but the complete and untrackable invisibility she has is a valuable tool in her kit that improves her lethality. Not utilizing her invisibility is like not using demo portals. Sure, you can play well enough without utilizing the portals or invis, but then youre not using the killer to their fullest potential
Sadako's invisiblity allows her to mindgame virtually any loop at will, and put the mindgame much more in her favor. It's hardly as broken as say blight or nurse, as it's still only a mindgame and the survivor can win it and ks countered by holding W. Reiko's watch + old newspaper bring sadako's lethality to the next level, and why i think they should be basekit so she has some chase capability.
So, if you want to make sadako more lethal, ditch the other addons, distorted photo sucks anyways, and use reiko's watch+old newspaper. Personally, i run bamboozle and brutal to accentuate her chase more. I like bbq as my info + ruin since ruin means i dont have to bother kicking gens, but honestly use whatever other two perks you want.
But tips for using Sadako's invis to get hits. #1 is to use cover. Sadako is like the only killer who really likes LoS blockers and can use them to her advantage. When youre sneaking up to a gen or other point of interest, hide behind cover when youre visible and move closer when youre invisible. Once you start to turn visible, you'll ideal be right on top of a survivor amd and can manifest for an easy first hit.
Using invis while in chase is more complex, but still follows the same logic of using LoS, at least at taller loops and longer/stronger loops like shack. In those instances, youll want to rely on reiko's watch to get close before manifesting. At shorter loops, using post manifestation invis is the better option since otherwise in the time it takes to manifest, the survivor could make it to the window/pallet.
Still though, I'm glad shes in a healthier state, even if it's weaker lol. I think its more fun thay way.
you can't take PTB games into account when discussing balance, ptb matches are a joke.
she's considerably weaker, need a buff asap
I definitely think this is a better spot for her in the game. The condemn playstyle always felt dull to play and to play against. I agree she needs something in chase, even if it was something like Wraith's speed boost out of stealth.
Hey Scott, love your content. I've been getting into Dark and Darker lately and I noticed you streamed it before, will you be doing content on it in the future? It's hard to find decent content on it for YouTube, at least content that's not clickbait-y and overreactive.
Maybe it’s because I played her during her op time period but this seems like a massive nerf and also when is this update coming out live
facing sadako on PTB made me realize how shit her invis is because you can hear exactly where she is and her mindgame just doesn't matter, exactly like dredge. also love how TV projections are still so telegraphed and loud, only kinda threatening if she's running fingernail. poopslop killer!
So upset I can't play this PTB… I used to main Sadako before the change. Now they are making her closer to what I liked and my internet sucks…
Im an oreo main and i bet she is gonna be played so much less now. everyone will be switching to blight/nurse/spirit/wesker because trying to chase someone for an hour while 3 gens pop simultaneously will just lead to having to tunnel someone out style gameplay. Ive never played her condemn playstyle, so its just a "revert to her horrible playstyle previously with a few minor buffs" type of gameplay. As for me, ill likely switch to legion and nemesis with a bit of wesker.
That intro had me giggling like mad bro I wasn’t ready for that one
So Sadako is more a momentum scaling killer now? With condemned locked on hooks?
This is how she was always supposed to be played. People fell in loved with condemned for some reason. Never understood that.
I think right now sadako is in the best state she's been so far, I'd still love for her to have a chase power but this is much better than playing for condemns. Right now she sorta just feels like alternate!pig, which isn't a terrible thing I guess?
Also I think you're very much underestimating mind games working on experienced players lmao, it actually took me so off guard hearing you say that they don't work on anyone with a brain when you have so much experience yourself
It probably did not help that you had 3 perks that relied on hooking when playing a playstyle that does not hook often
Genuinely how did u drag this out to 50 mins😭😭 i was gonna watch but damn I don't have an eighth of my day to spare lmao. This yt algorith meat sucking is getting out of hand
Was this stream not on youtube?
You ran a slow down build but went for straight condemn? We def running out of content
As a former Sadako main, I think this is the best version by far. Because you don't lose a Tape when hit and you don't gain 2 stacks of condemn, counterplay is more intuitive for survivors. It's a nice middle ground where holding a Tape doesn't give passive condemn, but it doesn't protect you if you are near a powered TV when she teleports. Having target TVs is better slow down (it bothered me that Iri Tape became BASEKIT OG Sadako, and it was still one of her best options), and smart Sadako's can figure out who needs to go where. But locking in condemn on hook is a unique and clever way to ramp up her secondary objective threat naturally. She's always been best at a hit and run style where she has to use her insane map mobility and limited stealth to catch people away from strong loops. Her add-ons are still underwhelming, and personally I think new Iri Tape is a terrible trade (condemn only gained if survivors pick up Tapes to hinder her mobility – in exchange for almost unlimited mobility), but Yoichi's Fishing Net can lock in permanent blindness which is interesting b/c Windows is still so common. Turn 1 of her useless add-ons into something helpful in chase (Telephone is barely noticeable IMO) and tweak her TV spawn algorithm on maps like Crotus Prenn Asylum and I'll be perfectly happy.
Scott, not everyone is you, some people like stealth and hit and run