IS THE SPEED UP WORTH? – Dead by Daylight!

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17 thoughts on “IS THE SPEED UP WORTH? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Yes. Let's put it this way. With the yellow bottle, there's no loop the survivor can use against you unless they predrop the pallet, and that's better performance than purple bottles only. All you need to do is bait them to go to one side, and then follow up with you speed up, and them slowed down. Even then, many loops with predropped pallets are playable with the yellow and purple combination, whereas the purple just about did nothing to those loops.

    Basically, small loops pallet up->purple only. Small loops pallet down->yellow bottle. Big loop pallet up->yellow purple. Super safe loop with pallet down->yellow bottle on the pallet and break it. I'm not a great clown yet since I need to work on my aim with the bottles, but the bottles are very effective.

  2. It’s definitely good for patrolling, I’ll give it that.
    If you wanted to use it for a chase, I’d say you could throw it on a spot you’ve used a slowing bottle at. You slow them down at one spot, but then boost yourself while mindgaming a pallet.
    On the other hand, you could throw a bottle, then take a short cut using bamboozle to cut off a survivor trying to use the boost tonic, and then hit them with a toxin while you are boosted. It wouldn’t work as well where pallets are, but with windows, it might be worth testing out.

  3. If it gave you a speed boost right away maybe, but I hate that it takes a couple seconds to start and you gotta throw it ahead. Would rather just chuck the purple at survivors

  4. btw tru3. you gotta play more with clown. before you kick a pallet, throw a speed bottle. have that with brutal strength and you catch up to them very quickly. its not as useless as you think. sure not the strongest power, but has is moments even in chases and not just for mobility sake

  5. Try to speed you up than make survivors slow. They really stack.
    1)Throw a yellow bootle where the survivor is.
    2)At the time you arrive there, he will be left and the yellow thing would activate.
    3)Spam purplr bottles to slow them down.
    I am no clown main, nor top % at this game, but this works for me.

  6. The only fun thing about the Clown is his new chase music. His add-ons suck, the ridiculously minuscule speed up is absolutely not worth even half a bottle, and the fact that the devs nerfed him heavily by changing his Solvent Jug add-on without even mentioning it is outrageous.


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