Is Trickster the NEXT S TIER killer in @Dead by Daylight ? #Shorts

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28 thoughts on “Is Trickster the NEXT S TIER killer in @Dead by Daylight ? #Shorts”

  1. When you start off with 60 I don't even think you will ever need to go to a locker now unless you were the worst Call of Duty player that started playing dead by daylight. also I saw that at the end Mr Gimms you kind of forgot to let that out but overall she's absolutely adorable ☺️

  2. It would be annoying. When I said Trikster was a fun killer to go up against, I was talking about dodging knives and trying to outsmart trickster by taking cover whenever you can. Then when it comes down to that final knife, will you escape or will you be the Entity's main course?

    Plus he can easily transition from knives to bat.

    This buff will make Trickster annoying.

  3. I think the problem is the laceration, and always has been. He can't juggle survivors. If you end chase with a survivor you lose all progress chasing them, and wasted all that time doing the chase. Making the laceration meter decay sooner – this was a Trickster nerf, not a buff.

  4. Good Trickster players already play with USB stick by default, it's not really that different, Trickster struggles with map pressure and loops with high walls, good survivors that already do great against the best Trickster will keep doing so because of the addon change, it's the same Trickster they've always faced.

  5. hes gonna be really annoying to play against. they basically made it so holding w is the only thing a survivor should do to counter him and lose laceration. its gonna be really boring to play as and against. cant wait…

  6. Alright, now they just made trickster a chase machine i guess. I’m telling you, to have easy pressure. It would be like mending but without you going down overtime. It’s too slow down survivor’s and have them make decisions on taking knives out of their bodies so the trickster doesn’t have an easy injure or keeping the knives in but having a danger of being easily taken down if they make mistakes, it’s a pretty easy solution.

  7. With how my game freezes when he pulls up his knives and the amount of entities moving in match when he throws them, I can’t move at all before he downs me in this patch so he’s already S-tier in my books. Freezing strong BHVR pls nerf

  8. To be fair, if he gets good at downing survivors quickly, you could easily win games regardless of lack of base kit map pressure lol, plus this isnt even considering perks

  9. He shouldn't get to carry 60+ knives if it only takes 6 to down a survivor. Forget being able to aim, you only need t0% of them to hit to get a down if you spam them fast enough.


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