Is Trickster Underrated?? | Dead by Daylight

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0:00 – Intro
0:12 – Family Residence!
2:11 – Torment Creek!


20 thoughts on “Is Trickster Underrated?? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. He's alotta fun, I just think he's rated low because he's essentially huntress with extra steps and main event just doesn't make up for it.
    Unless you know, you wanna hard camp. Then he's S tier lmao

  2. Unfortunately in my own opinion I think Trickster is the weakest killer in the game right now and desperately needs a rework. Don't get me wrong I do think Twins should be up next and due for a rework but after them 100 percent Trickster should be next. With a lot of bad maps bhvr has been introducing it's been hurting Trickster a lot. I think in his rework they have to make him a 115 movement speed killer. He has 44 knives and it takes 12 to injure and down a survivor. Going to lockers to reload is a pain. I think reduce his knives to 35 since he'll be a 115 and the devs need to make it were his main event means something by either doing one of the two. 1. Increase time on main event so Trickster has more of a chance and opportunity to use it. 2. Make it were Trickster can hold on to main event and activate it on his own accord. This will help in situations if Trickster runs out of knives in a desperate situation. And he definitely needs some add-ons reworked. Trickster is strong in his own way but with how maps are now and with the bs survivor meta on top of his slow movement Trickster games just become frustration and a sweaty mess. Feels like you'll be in a comp match every game. He has no map pressure at all and is decent in 1v1s (only at certain loops) the guy needs some love.

  3. I would argue that killers like Trickster, Clown and Doctor can be underrated but also very efficient. If you are in a 1v1 against a good Tricki or Clown you will have to predrop a lot of stuff which can be fatal in end-game. Map mobility is the biggest downside to Trickster. Other than that he is solid.

  4. What people sleep on is aiming. A trickster that holds down the button will eventually get a down. A trickster that knows how to aim and who to chase will absolutely close games.

  5. Nah, Trickster is right where he belongs in the tier list. He can sometimes down people really fast but whenever I see anyone play him or myself for that matter it's always just faster to M1 a majority of the time. Even when it is faster it's not by much and other killer powers offer more such as Clown, Pyramid Head, Huntress, Xeno, ect.

    Someone who isn't where they belong in that tier list is Twins. They're WAY too low. I've been really busy so I haven't watched the video yet for your newest tierlist but omg how and why? They're so good when you learn how they work which goes the same for Artist, Huntress, and many other killers.

  6. You can tell the difference between a good and an okay Trickster. The good one will always take the chance to go for injure with his knife and have a perfect aim, making you scared of going into the open or even remotely vaulting something in front of him.


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