Is Tunneling Worse Than Racism? – Dead By Daylight

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Kinda crazy that I even have to make this video lol… but let’s be honest, is anyone surprised? ._.

OG Video –

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44 thoughts on “Is Tunneling Worse Than Racism? – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I also play both side but just cause you get tunneled doesn’t mean you have to attack other groups because you’re mad you die in a game. Most survivors have been tunneled multiple time that gives no right to attack people. People are interesting sometimes ;-;

  2. You're so hot when you're right bb <3 entitled survivor main here supporting one of the best DBD content creators, and saying to all the crybabies: HEY. Shut up. It's a fucking videogame and there are literally BILLIONS of people on the earth, people are going to play differently.

  3. Racism, sexism, etc., that guys just threw them everywhere in hope some would hit you.

    Some legal playstyles are annoying and people seek salt from them. What I learn from you is that moving on is the key. Don't feed them salt.

  4. To everyone who defended the person being rascist: put the game down, refund it/stop playing and seek professional help. Seriously, you all clearly need it. NOTHING done in a video game warrants YOU being a piece of shit IRL and imagine what would happen if you went off on the wrong person who might have the means and will to retaliate. Seek help now.

  5. I think people tend to forget this is a video game. For God’s sake why would you waste your time messaging someone for beating you in a VIDEO GAME. If you get pissed at someone in the game then take a break from it to calm down.

  6. I think the internet has gotten to a point where if you do something other people don’t think is “cool” or “right” they just start saying random shit to you. If you play a game that other people don’t like for example, fortnite, which is apparently a dead game on twitter, you’re immediately called stuff like “gay” or something like that. Back before Minecraft blew up again I’d always be called a “child” for playing it because it wasn’t popular at the time. And it happens with play styles like in DBD. If you don’t let the survivors win (even though it’s the point of the game to KILL as a KILLER) you’re immediately called trash and a camper or whatever.

  7. If a game turns you into a racist then you need to stop playing the game.
    If you get so angry that you realize you've never been this angry before then you need to stop playing the game.
    It's just a game people. There are more important things in the world, believe it or not.

  8. I like how people are trying to ban the killer for camping or tunneling. And the best ones are the people harassing them in chats which is not allowed if you think about it. Sometimes I feel like that only applies to survivor mains but you will see some toxic killers here and then. So yea great community.

  9. But you tunneled? Wow the reactions from the Karens here lol
    Keep up the videos spooks love em.
    Wonder if tunneling and camping is worse than hacking the game to win 🤔🤔🤔

  10. Its sad ppl get this mad over a game like i get being angry but to go on someones stream and not only harrass them but say all of that racist and homophobic stuff is ridiculous its just a game I really don’t understand ppl


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