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The Scythe is convincing, but we might be misleading ourselves…
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Completely unrelated, but honestly I'd want to see Billy Coen as a survivor, with the whole, you know, him kinda disappearing thing. I know it won't happen but having some re 0/re 1 stuff would be fun
I’m heavily leaning towards a Mr. X Tyrant type of killer. BHVR loves money, and THAT will definitely bring in the cash into their wallets
The 5 looks like either the 2 in resident evil 2 or the 5 in resident evil 5
I am pretty sure its mr X head and
hat and sholders
Sadly the Witches die in the cold, so it’s kinda impossible for them to the new killer. The sickle 5 is probably a red herring
I don't think it's the witches primarily because this chapter would have been planned months before the witches were even revealed as characters.
I still think Mr. X is the killer due to the whole "Dead By Daylight X Resident Evil" thing. And I do hope we'll get both Leon and Claire as survivors (Leon has some similarities to Felix and Felix was in the announcement. And Cote said a line from Claire in the announcement.)
Bro where is your birch skin idc how much you hate the game But Goddamn it Its a Hag Skin and YOU MAIN HAG 2+2=4 SO BUY IT AND ILL AWAIT THE VIDEO 😎
I get the feeling that since it's styled like the 4th banner, that maybe it's just supposed to be part of the biohazard symbol. I think the original plan was have the hook shape tease Candyman and then surprise everyone by revealing it's RE, but Capcom forced them to announce early. This ruined their plans and they're just sticking with their planned promo material.
What if the 5 is actually meant to be the Witches weapon, but it's used to tell us which game the new chapter is from? So it isn't the Witches, but it's a hint the new chapter is from RE: Village? May be getting the first shapeshifting killer, finally. Mother Miranda, aka The Mother if she's coming to dbd? Shapeshifting is something the community has wanted for a while, maybe they are finally giving it to us
Highly doubt this chapter will focus on 8 maybe they could come out as legendary skins
I know this will likely not happen but if the chapter involved resident evil 5 I'd be stoked.
The "5" is secretly alluding to Chris' arch-nemesis from Resident Evil 5. The new killer we're getting is The Boulder, AKA the rock Redfield punched during his fight in the volcano.
Clearly it's the boulder from Re 5. It'll fit that curve perfectly.
God i secretly want to kung fu chop people as Albert Wesker i mean come on he was the final boss of resident evil *5*!
Killer is from 8
bro i need the witch sisters
I was thinking the hook on the 5 was…. well, yknow, A FUCKING HOOK
I hope it's not them, but form a marketing standpoint I understand. This chapter isn't for us just like the 4th anniversary. I truly believe it's just to get the Resident Evil players playing dead by daylight.
Ig we r assuming its witch sisters while we basically got revealed its from the first few games (erm erm umbrella charm..)
I just hope survivor isn't Ethan Winter
that poor man shouldn't end up with those whining butt-dancers
Acualy… I hope it will be one of the Witch sisters… You know… Some strong killer somethink between Nurse and Spirrit… Oh god… Please no 🤣 they will create a monster… Werewolf will be also fine 😅🤣
Honestly speaking if they do make resident evil collaboration I will mostly consider they take iconic characters honestly the highest possibly is Mr X.He is iconic and not to mention he is build as a weapon by punching people crushing people skulls and so on.Yeah sure nemesis is indeed an iconic character as well but the issue is that if the skills he have I guess is related towards his tentacle mostly since no way they gonna add in flamethrower or rpg.As for William well honestly is aslo an interesting pick.
Am I the only one who wants heisenberg
The 5 repressents Duke from RE8 1000% sure.
I'd honestly prefer to not have the witches as the killer. If I'm getting Resident Evil in DbD I want either someone iconic or something unique. I don't believe anything from re8 could satisfy those at this time
The 5 could simply represent an S, and the only thing I can think of is S.T.A.R.S, which would be Nemesis
Are you really basing this reasoning based on the assumption the devs not being lazy or stupid?
I didn't follow the development about that next killer but now that I see that 5 and that weapon it feels 100% sure. I'm obviously assuming the devs are a one trick pony. (cough Death Garden cough)
Four equals Pyramid. Five equals Lady.
The 5 looks really similar to the 5 in RE5. Weaker would be amazing with command dodging stuns and sprinting into a 1 shot flying kick. He could use guns too if they wanted.
we heard zombies in trailer…and there are no zombies in RE7 or Village! it's either 2 chapter , like Resident evil and Candyman…or the witches sisters are like skin or something?it might also be like Stranger Things! multiple characters are involved
The 5 could be resident evil 5
I really hope it’s nemesis he’s by far my favorite from the RE series
The daughters are not even witches … make a research first
It’s clearly lady demitrescu’s sideboob.
I say it'll be Lady D in all her tall glory
If devs are using the same trick twice then the 5 could suggest RE's licker. The 5's top portion would be the open mouth and the lower portion would then be the long curling whip-tongue. If the killer is not that, Nemesis, or Mr. X then there are going to be a large chunk of disappointed RE fans who won't bother buying into DbD.
I'm personally rooting for Nemesis and devs figuring how to make a rocket launcher work in the game w/o being OP. (I have my own ideas on that.) I'm thinking they'll bring in 2 new survivors like with Demogorgon — Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy. Feng will get Ada Wong cosmetics. Felix will get Albert Wesker skins.
The resident evil x dead by daylight poster have a giant X middle of it suggest mr X