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I’ve truly become a bully squad magnet haven’t I?
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How did I find this so fast? 20 seconds ago?! Lol
How did you deal with these bully survivors? It seems like you get this everyday
Always funny to see these types of Squads fail
Can u say hey wayne 🙏🏼
Toxic meg main vs map offerings. Who will win
How the actual Jigglin fuq does this keep happening on this specific map? This is like the 3rd or 4th time in a few weeks. Lol
Wreck that bully squad, LSR! Another chapter in the Dead Dawg saga.
Always fun watching a bully squad get wrecked THE DEAD DAWG CHRONICLES
Bully squad didn't count on coming across a space rock! Jigglin
Don't forget to fill water bottle
I actually don’t mind a squad like this, it’s almost like an alternate game mode.
As long as survivors don’t abuse bugs or broken mechanics such as boil over on certain maps I think it’s completely fine. They just wanna have a laugh and I can respect that. They usually ignore their objective and end up dying anyway
Hydrate Little!!!
As a Sadako main I automatically void any silly little plans a swf could have. The amount of boil over/sabo squads I've slaughtered without breaking a sweat is ridiculous. I don't want BHVR to nerf her because I just get toasted on any other killer.
Is this a 3rd time? How are these guys not learning their lesson lol 😂
I found a blendette squad o dead dawg last night as bubba. Found one and bled her out, all her friends dc’d because I didn’t want to play hide and seek.
I love your videos the most because you always maul bully squads and it's so fun to watch 😎
Huge uptick lately in bully squads. Especially with the Head On/Flashbang combo. If I see certain map offerings now, I just remember to dodge the main building due to double lockers.
But yeah, do not know why, I guess peope are mad about the flashlight killswitch.
I like her game play but her titles for the vid be funny/cringe 😂
“it’s always a bully squad”🙄
2:12 !whiff
We might as well now call you LittleBullySquadMagnet
Idk why but I just found her channel randomly one day and now I stalk her to see if she’s posted anything yet 😂🤍 ( I’m obsessed help)
Its so wierd how when i play as killer i get the most hardened survivor teams, but when i play as solo survivor i get the most unreliable teammates (myself included lol).
the flashlight threw me coz of the killswitch haha
also this video was real good, i liked it (:
I just never get these kind of survivors groups. They only got one gen done just so they could get their kicks bullying a killer. 🙄
I love this bully squad series lmao
Play Freddy Krueger
That first chase was bad, but your game knowledge and strategy completely shredded them.