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I managed to bump into this hilarious duo of Twitch streamer, @jelliottiee & cotfest! In this match I was trialing a brand new Jumpscare Trapper build, a killer you never expect to be stealthy, however it was devastatingly effective.
Sloppy Butcher
Bloody Coil
Rusted Jaws
The build takes use of always keeping survivors injured while providing some unexpected stealth. The Bloody Coil ties everything together, with obvious but obnoxious trap placement forcing the survivors into disabling traps and getting injured. This in turn will activate Hysteria for any survivors already injured.
I hope you enjoy the match, let me know your thoughts below & makes sure to follow both streamers!
My Twitch:
The jump scare was amazing! woww! i love this video
This is brilliant! Always love a scaring twitch streamers video from WND!
Amazing video man!
GG’s! You were terrifying
Super fun game 
Proper chuckled when they called to scatter. Also its nice to see a DBD vid with positive vibes, even with the jump scares!
I'm more annoyed now because I noticed when I play naughty bear in the screen where you seen the survivors the leaf full on blocks them. Can't see if they bring flashlights or items. Great video tho!!!
Cotfest giving her best Frank Gallagher impression at 9:59
My idea has been stolen. :/
Bro got Early Access for the FNAF Chapter
Pls watching this game live was so chaotic

This is amazing
Bro was using the naughty bear lore build
I swear you love jumpscaring people T.T You got me when you played Billy and I was fighting for my life
ggs and great vid!
bro I've just seen the intro and you already got a new sub. Such a sick and cool intro. Feels just like I'm about to watch a horror movie. I love it!
Hilarious video
Gotta try the build myself
What's fucking good Ben!
Such good videos! I had to recommend you to my buddies