JUST BAIT IT OUT HUH? Dead by Daylight

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JUST BAIT IT OUT HUH? Dead by Daylight

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28 thoughts on “JUST BAIT IT OUT HUH? Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think in situations where theyโ€™re waiting that long to dead hard, itโ€™s best to get right up on them and attack about half a second later. If they think your going to wait it out, they wonโ€™t be able to react in time. That might also get them to waste their dead hard the next time you chase them as well. I think you couldโ€™ve gotten the guy at the shack by hitting shortly after he got to the doorway and did the fake-out, or right as he touched the window and it was clear he wasnโ€™t dead harding into it. Waiting it out usually does work, but once survivors know that you respect dead hard, theyโ€™re going to get a lot more cocky with it, so mixing things up will keep them guessing and put the mind game in your favor.

  2. Yeah not that the DH "nerf " has been out for a good while i am back to maining it as survivor and still go up against it more than any other exaustion at high MMR . This nerf was more of a buff for good players , wish they did something similar to pop as it is a perk that should reward you for playing well but they straight neutered it

  3. Tru he wasnโ€™t killing himself on hook he was being a bot. He tried to Kobe to look cool because his teammate was about to unhook him then teammate heard your tr and turned around and ran instead of trading lol. So the bot got what he deserved

  4. DH is a lot more wonky now against high ping-players but its still meta because it forces a lose lose at safe pallets and obviously the distance if you hold W. The pallets are RNG so either side can get lucky there but yeah at the end of the day its still game-changing. I personally think its fucking annoying to go against strong teams with multiple DHs but it balances out because you can force a lot of players at all brackets to panic with it, you can catch people between deadzones and its not as mindless as the old E for distance. I still use it myself and never thought the rework made it bad, I think it was a fair trade without completely gutting the perk

    1-Locking a Dredge is stupid but I admit Ima do it until its changed because its optimal & Hooks breaking on Kills in 2023 is also stupid


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