"Just play Blight, dude" – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Streamed at twitch.tv/zeb89


6 thoughts on “"Just play Blight, dude" – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Im playing without tunneling its been a week ı guess since ı started.And ı feel like its more fun for me doing some cool and fun stuff.Otherwise ı only try to win early as possible and get bored in 5-6 matches but like this ım havin a blast.Because ı just realised theres nothing u get for playing good matches back to back no ranked no incentive for streaks u just get bp and ı get more bp by simply playing more matches so ım trying to make it fun for me.And this is really bad game design .

  2. Now think about that… 100% tunneling from the start of the match… By the time you finally kill that one surv you have lost 3 gens… Imagine if he had a little bit better build, a little bit more of bodyblock by his mates and he could have played a little bit better in loops…. What would have happened????…. And other streamers or survivors main will always say that tunneling isn't necessary to win against DECENT teams not even really goooood teams

  3. 6:44

    Absolutely not. I only see streamers who lower their mmr, with cheats or on purpose and who also have the courage to make clips to post on their social networks. I mean, how does a surv main with 9000 hours continuously catch people who just started playing? Other than that, nice work as always Zeb, keep rocking! ✌

  4. OTZ and alot of other streamers are terrible they only show THE FUN SIDE of the game cause they don't want everyone to know the actual gameplay killers are forced to play that and its their job they're only going after subs!. hooking one survivor at a time higher gameplay just doesn't work out at ALL! unless you get extremely lucky, this game extremely favors survivors unless you play nurse or blight.

    i feel like almost all killers should be buffed up in movement speed, they should be 4.7 and not 4.6 and those 4.4 changed to 4.5. and every survivor changed to 3.9 ms, this way it forces survivors to have to loop instead of throw pallets down. killers need to be able to punish survivors more out in the open as it should be and this game doesn't do THAT AT ALL! unless the killer uses a power. but literally every single chase killer needs buffs in this game and that is their movements speed needs a buff! slow m1 chase killers are extremely underpowered.


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