That’s called killer spinning, Killer spinning is basically when survivor on pc fuck with your your person view range to let them get a head start for them to escape
Yes, you could call it Karma, but it's really a part of the greatly overlooked Luck mechanic, and it's known as NOT-LUCK, or whenever DBD itself wants to hurt you
if you're killer and someone is spinning in front of you, just don't lunge. You'll get a hit 99% of the time. Or just wait the stupid worm in front of you stop gyrating
Y'all something like this happened to me a while back; I was Yui, just got shot by Deathslinger's spear, and the millisecond before he attacked me NOED went off. I would've been mad but the timing was just perfect
I kept looping a ghostface the whole match but he finally downed me I didn’t care really I wanted him to get a free kill I felt bad. The chase was fun too.
That’s called killer spinning, Killer spinning is basically when survivor on pc fuck with your your person view range to let them get a head start for them to escape
"pretent to be a baby deathslinger until the last gen pops"
SupaAlf probably
more like not fair than karma, that slinger deserved the spinnery
karma? xd
My Heart BROKE as a Killer Main seeing that, I would’ve let him leave
I’d just feel SO bad
Dude I’m wheezing ☠️
So she’s suppose to let you hit her? Arrogant killers…😑😒
wait, outplaying a killer is toxic?
what karna?`there is no karma spinning is normal so there no karma for him hitting you
Yes, you could call it Karma, but it's really a part of the greatly overlooked Luck mechanic, and it's known as NOT-LUCK, or whenever DBD itself wants to hurt you
those 360s are kinda lame ngl
Dude you didnt even Try that harf in the Last 360 and he still missed. It actually legit pains me to see this as I am a life time killer main
if you're killer and someone is spinning in front of you, just don't lunge. You'll get a hit 99% of the time. Or just wait the stupid worm in front of you stop gyrating
How tf do you spin like that on controller
The chad blood Amber dull key. Gotta get that 10 seconds of alert.
Karma for what?
Proceeds To Mori
Plot twist: He was missing on purpose for the NOED play.
Y'all something like this happened to me a while back; I was Yui, just got shot by Deathslinger's spear, and the millisecond before he attacked me NOED went off. I would've been mad but the timing was just perfect
Terrible RNG
This isnt really karma but it is pretty frustrating when you get good survivors that can loop, but then again it's not toxic unless you tbag or click
I kept looping a ghostface the whole match but he finally downed me I didn’t care really I wanted him to get a free kill I felt bad. The chase was fun too.
You kinda just ran in front of the killer