Killers Are UNSTOPPABLE in 2vs8?! | Dead by Daylight

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Hey Guys, AJ here,

The BRAND NEW 2vs8 mode is here for Dead by Daylight, and it is BUNDLES of FUN! Check it out before the event finishes!

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Killers Are UNSTOPPABLE in 2vs8?! | Dead by Daylight
#ajaymes #dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdsurvivor


16 thoughts on “Killers Are UNSTOPPABLE in 2vs8?! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Dude…. You have no clue how frustrating it is to be on the recieving end of that torment endlessly… I think because there is more people the killers just decide to start being assholes and make it no fun when you get in, get basically harrassed, and walk out knowing how unbalanced it was at launch. Im speaking from personal experience, and sure is it allowed to happen and can it? Yes, but if ya wanna play, play like how youd want to be played against. Have fun but dont have fun at peoples expense


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