Killers Have Gotten BUFFED!!

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Today we play the new PTB testing new killer buffs in dead by daylight!

Killers Have Gotten BUFFED!! – Dead by Daylight
Dead By daylight released a new ptb with gameplay changes to killer and survivor. Funny moments and meme fail. Ghostface Dbd update vs bully squads. Killer tips at high mmr. Toxic swf.

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otzdarva, no0b3


27 thoughts on “Killers Have Gotten BUFFED!!”

  1. No cap I have never played this game once in my life but I know skill when I see it. Been watching your videos and they make me want to jump into this game πŸ‘πŸ½

  2. FINALLY! no more dumb game design holding the killer back with CC and stuns, all the survivor thinking they're good when it was the game with hits and everything else, stun times are way to long, thats why i don't play twins cause switching to victor and to other killer is just to much time wasted with the CC of you not doing anything and it adds up. you will still get looped by really good survivors some but this is going to drop that % down alot on survivors who thought they be good but nah they not time to eat their tears. all those CC and stuns on killers was dumb in the first place for m1 killers going for 4 survivors way to long with DS, pallets, gens, hitting a survivor, miss attacks and playing certain killers like twins etc…. nice DBD did this and it needed to be done survivors had it way to easy.


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