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Just some matches were I loop and juke the killer. Hope you enjoy the DBD funny moments fam.
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed. I make funny dead by daylight videos where I loop killers, juke killers, blind killers. I also do perk build videos using dead by daylights best perks. I also do toxic builds to troll killers. Looping killers and juking killers is my main thing. I also do adept survivor challenges. Maybe in the future I’ll do how to play dead by daylight tutorials. Funny survivor moments in Dead by Daylight are my main thing.
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Thanks for watching losers, stay safe! 🙏🏼💯
Been playing since the 4th year anniversary, way too many hours for how trash I am
You hate that tree? I hate the Yamaoka bamboo. Feels so bad to be lookin behind me only to run into an obstacle I think I can go through. Also didn't know that Badham had a sign. I came in around when Twins arrived, though I watched videos before then.
I play dbd for 2 months now , i kinda got the hang of it by now , also great video man , also maybe a game w subs ? @Who
uhm I play since clown
Been playing since the game came out, with a few breaks here and there. Love the vids regardless; keep up the awesome work 🎉
Yessir, been ready for this drop. Click the video soon as I woke up.❗️
Been playing since it came out on console. I remember watching one of my favorite YouTuber’s play the beta and said to myself, “damn this game looks fun af. Can’t wait for it to be released.” Now I hate the game 🤣
Been playing since early 2017 and I have so many hours, just on my main account alone, that I don't think I'll ever tell anyone lol
Nice video bro keep it up!
The vids are awesome!
damn dead by tree
I got about 775 hours in dbd haha. Dwight main here. It's so much fun when you cut through all the BS. But a lot of people arent willing, which good for them. lol
I’ve been playing since 2020 I have 26240 hours and i was rank gold until the reset recently
I been playing for little over a year & in that year have over 1000 hrs in & yea they buff her
Ayo Who's, been playing since 2016, game has really changed since then.
What got you into Dead By Daylight, Who's?
Been playing on and off for 4 years but i'm still trash 😂 Love the content man keep it up!
I started playing the month before Pyramid Head came out, it was a nice introduction to the game.
I think I’ve been playing this game for at least two years
Great video as always. Memes and editing always on point.
5:17 – 5:18 cracked me up.
God bless homie. Love and light 💛🌻
Been saying since 2019
Lets be honest trees & walls are literally our killers in dbd & sadly I use skedaddle ;-; & the lost child was being mentored by lightning McQueen thats why she's fast.
I’ve been playing on and off since 2018 when Sony released the game for free. I’ve been obsessed with playing lately as survivor. I used to play as killer but now my goal is to get good at looping. I suck 😂
I stumbled on your channel a couple weeks ago and love your videos! Now I look forward to and wait for the new uploads. Absolutely love your looping the killer content
That "emm tree" got me good haha😂🤣
I see u adding the sonic 06 soundtrack thats wassup
Around a Year and a half maybe 2
I’ve got about 1280 hours on console to date, been playing since the beginning of 2018 nonstop for the first year and a half and then on and off for the next little while after
Yess another video! I wish I saw this notif when it came out, bored with covid 🥲 I’ve played for 2 years, level 400. Could be higher but since I got school I don’t get much time.
Yes they buffed the onryo or whatever her name is lol
I’ve been playing dbd since 2018 during the summer bbq event.
lmao that first round was an adventure and a half. i only got into dbd a couple months ago, but been watching streams and let's plays for a couple of years. i didn't have a pc or console for the longest time
Skedaddle!! Classic bring it back old school… Great vid as always and yes u do need to play more 😜 jk I've only been playing since October and only have about 950hrs lol I'm have a problem ha!
That tree was playing second killer lmao 😹
2800 hours
So I think I've been playing for about 3 years. Almost up to 2k hours in game.