Killers… STOP SHOWING MERCY TO SURVIVORS! | Dead by Daylight

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Survivors don’t care, they will bring best perks and play in the most optimal play so please, KILLERS BRING YOUR BEST PERKS AND KILL EVERYONE WITH NO MERCY! Sadako (Onryo) gameplay showcasing this 🙂

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Killers… STOP SHOWING MERCY TO SURVIVORS! | Dead by Daylight


16 thoughts on “Killers… STOP SHOWING MERCY TO SURVIVORS! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I said it before and I'll say it again, "Toxic surv create Toxic killers" I started as survivor main then started to play more and more killer to get more well rounded. At first I was nice and "Fair" never tunnel, camped, gave hatch etc. Now i go for blood everytime. Just the other day surv said in chat Geez Hardcore syndrome. I'm like what game do you think we play. I'm going 100% everytime. No one wants to get tea bagged, pointed at. GG EZ at end game chat. Survivors should learn to win with more grace and lose with equal grace

  2. Never once had a pity from survivors, they just don't care about killer. And when i am survivor, hate when killer goes pity. An example: few days ago 2 of my teammates died at 5 hooks like noobs, killer got pity on me and the last guy and let us do 5 gens… But what's the point? It's not fun to just do gens and have no chases when killer refuses to run after you or hit. This kills basic DBD idea and turns it into moronic time waste, the most annoying part is that it was not even my fault and there was nothing i could do as solo player to either stop noobs from being noobs or stop killer from going pity-style.

  3. The last time I've checked, the killers and especially the cinematic ones, never showed mercy in their movies. So why should we do it in a game ??? MERCY IS FOR THE WEAK 😄😄😄

  4. Survivors do show mercy by giving up our items when we know we lost? When one survivor dc and game is not winnable we surrender by dropping our items in front of the killer.

  5. I usually sweat my fricking ass off when I get map like badham, garden of joy, or any map that are so big with many loops that could potentially chain, regardless of what kind of killer am currently playing at the moment

  6. Just play to have fun. Its not a e-sport game. Except for SWF’s. Go hard on them. And you go with Meta perks aswell. Nothing wrong with it, just sayin. Hope you having good future streams


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