Killing A Clicky Survivor – Dead By Daylight Myers Gameplay

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Click your flashlight all the way to the next trial little one
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15 thoughts on “Killing A Clicky Survivor – Dead By Daylight Myers Gameplay”

  1. Getting the annoying survs like that is always super nice–– definitely would love to go up against your Myers as a survivor one day but my MMR is nowhere near high MMR (which tbh… I am very fine with lol)

  2. I was like this where as a survivor main when I first started the game playing with my friends I would always get mad at the killer always get triggered for tunneling and would never say Gg. My one buddy that got me started on the game who plays a lot and plays killer and survivor kept suggesting to me that I should try playing killer just give it a try for a while not just here and there but actually played killer for a while. I played killer for about a week virtually no survivor and I noticed that in order for me to secure four kills I would have to slug and I would have to hook camp, especially when they are playing altruistic. I noticed that when I first started playing killer and performed badly and had survs click the flashlights, tea bag and just being jerks, they would say Gg if they won. as I got better and started getting more consistent 4ks no one would say Ggs or they would insult me, calling me Tunneler, camper, trash etc. Now, when I play with my buddies as a survivor and I get tunnelled and camped because I'm a pretty good looper I don't complain. I told my friends if they say anything negative about them tunneling or camping that the killer doesnt really have a choice because there's not many generators left and they have virtually no hooks and need to try to secure kill. So I'll tell them just don't come and hook me finish the last generator and leave and get a 3 man escape. It definitely helps to play killer consistently and do your best to try to play at a high level so that way you get a better understanding of what the killer is thinking and feeling. A lot of times when somebody is leaping the killer very well and if the killer dedicates that time try to get that survivor and they tunnel and camp that survivor then there's a decent chance they're playing with friends and that survivor will want to escape and their friends will try to unhook them so I don't blame Killers for tunneling me if I'm doing a good job looping them especially since I run Windows of opportunity and dead hard which allow me to go from loop to loop and stay safe and keep myself alive it does make the killer satisfied to at least get that one person dead. I think the problem with dead by daylight is that the majority of players that squeal the loudest and cry the most are survivor players that probably never played killer and they could care less about the experience of those people that play killer.

  3. That was such an entertaining watch! Love it! I have been playing this game for over a year and they have made survivor so much easier to win.
    I make sure I dish out what clickies deserve (if I can catch them). Otherwise I toy with them and chase their weaker friends instead.
    Just funny how tilted the egos get when you don't give them what they want. Or conversely, give them the attention but they received the wrong kind x3

  4. got 4 manned swfed on artist trying to learn her, they mocked and ridiculed me in end game when I tried to say gg, got them immediately again but this time as bubba and had a field day, they were much nicer in the aftergame chat but it really doesn't excuse their initial behavior


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