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Cry me a river
We should confirm first with the devs if games where killers use NOED are included or not?
Tru3 listen with due respect I have a question. If they balance killers around "pro" team's as you describe right, where does that leave people who don't play the game often what maybe a 2 minute game
The hatch is a bad idea you just said it should be a end game chase..ok if the killer's on me depending on the door spawns "most maps very killer sided" with the doors but how can I open either exit with the killer on me "impossible" so ok get rid of hatch fine, get rid of end game collapse as well bc what you are saying is killer sided my opinion sorry 🤷
4:30 Why are you being so harsh on yourself lad?
Sometimes I think the "hardcore player" doesn't realize the devs make the game to be sold to the widest audience. This is the same issue competitive Smash Bros goes through. The professional scene, realistically probably .5% of the player base, gets upset when the devs don't change the game to what they want. If you want to be analytical what would you do? 4 happy survivors(players) and one upset killer(player) or one happy killer and 4 unhappy survivors.
Viable = being able to play a killer effectively across any rank. Meaning that if you are good enough you always have a chance to win.
“Viable at high level” is a nonsense sentence since a killer that isn’t viable at high level, isn’t viable period.
Currently there’s like nurse, spirit and maybe blight. And there’s like 20 something killers in the game. Many of which are licensed.
Bhvr wake up.
I think all they had to do was make it so the key only allowed the person WITH the key to escape. Having it be a free for all is what made the keys seem "OP". Often times I am always the survivor that gets screwed out of the match because my team will leave me, so I understand why killers hated the key. And since the hatch is only for one person after the patch, I think they should have it spawn and open right away if the second to last person that is getting hooked is on death hook. Shouldn't have to wait for the entity to ascend the person into the sky before it shows up and opens.
The Wraith after this nerf, to his already miniscule anti-loop, should be renamed to "The Finder". Seriously that's all his power is for now, to quickly find survivors AND that's about it LOL
It's a game about fixing gens… why the fuck does anyone want this to be competitive 😒
Keep wraith the same just take out that built in sloppy butcher 😷
they balance the game for casuals because casuals are their biggest demographic, i know it sucks, and i hate when a game i get passionate and good at doesn't become more then it is and progress with my skill and knowledge, but that's really the short of it, not to mention 4 5ths of their player base must statistically be survivor, so again they are the priority, and again it sucks, because if you piss off enough killer mains who exactly is going to be playing against all those survivors customers?
is there somewhere we can watch u go against the worlds best team or anywhere I can watch them?
At least they finally fixed the bug with that cosmetic for Wraith.. Since you cant see the fire wings anymore when hes cloaked.. Unlike before..
Without dead hard you would’ve been screwed
At 8:28 you can see the hooked survivor aura reflects off of the shiny floor. Weird stuff.