Knowing When to Drop Chase is Vital as Killer – Dead by Daylight

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48 thoughts on “Knowing When to Drop Chase is Vital as Killer – Dead by Daylight”

  1. never understand the mentality of "Sorry for doing X" in a game to an opponent. Not wanting to camp or even tunnel can make sense, as those activities sometimes/most of the time be boring. But, why are you sorry for taking people to basement? They aren't apologizing when they take you to a great loop or setup lol. Play the game, have fun.

  2. Just always keep in mind what all survivors are possibly doing, make decisions that can progress killing them and slow their gen progress, healing etc.
    It's not hard but need a lot of awareness.

  3. 00:07 bro I just got a text that said “I think brandon is home” with you saying “yes same brandon” at the same time and my brain could not compute. Now I know my life is a simulation thanks for opening up my mind Scott.

  4. This. So much this. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a killer throw the entire match because they refused to let go of a good survivor in a strong area of the map and then proceed to get pissed at the survivor(s) when they don't get any kills as a result.

    Its sad, but the map generation in this game is horrible and will unevenly distribute strong loops around the map. Its your job as a killer to recognize when that is the case and play around it accordingly. It can be annoying, I know, but until Behaviour finally decides to adress this, you'll just have to adapt to it. Blaming the survivors for simply using what they've been given well is stupid, and letting your own ego get in the way of a win even more so.

  5. Usually when I play Killer I just pick some good Perks, an awesome build and then I listen to that sweet background music and then I decide the chases arent worth it and play Planet Crafter instead ☺ calm

  6. I’ve never understood the term “Drop Chase”. Like I get it but leaving someone after they are injured for an example just means that they can heal, meaning they can body block or extend chases. Not to mention no hook.

    Instead I think its more understanding that certain loops/tiles are just really bad for certain killers. Bubba is a huge example, because a bad tile for him can lead to an easy tantrum. Its just knowing what works and what doesn’t: Huntress, Trickster, Deathslinger, Billy, and most M1 killers all have their own good or bad tiles

  7. TLDR drop chase if it’s easier to chase a different survivor than the one you’re chasing, whether that’s due to proximity (there’s another surv closer to you), surprise factor (happen across an unprepared surv) or the tiles available to them (good pallets/loops nearby).

  8. It's prolly been asking a gazillion times, so im sure someone knows the answer. Does scott use mouse or keyboard when "aiming"/maneuvering with bubba chainsaw slashing? I just cant get that killer to do anything for me xD (pretty damn beginner here, with prolly less than 10 hoyurs in the game)
    Edit: or is it hillybilly? That should prove how good I am at this game 😉

  9. THE funniest thing you can do in a match IMO is completely ignoring a good (or 'good') survivor. Like completely and utterly ignore, especially if they're the kind that love chases and want your attention. Soon as I see the flashlight click it's an immediate inverse tunnel because it gets them SO tilted. Some will realize and then just camp gens but for others depriving them of attention is like kryptonite, they'll go for every bodyblock possible and eventually you'll just have them in the open after they gift you a hit to try and get your attention. It makes them play so badly it's hilarious.

  10. I know when a chase is lost like 95% of the time and should leave. I just play when im violently high and doing stupid loops with scratched mirror myers with competent survs is fun cause we will run a small loop 50 times

  11. I think Wraith taught me this more than any other killer. I play with a hit and run ambush-y build (sorry) and sometimes a game will have one really good survivor who just can't be caught off guard, and as boring as it can be, sometimes your best play is to ask "am I going to get anything in the next 15 seconds" and if the answer is no, you cloak and peepoLeave

  12. Picked up that skill as my hours increased. It really is vital.
    People gotta know when to think "Ok yeah i'm wasting too much time here. Bye" and go after someone on a gen.
    Or when you see a survivor taking you into a strong tile, as well. It's best to just outright refuse to play strong tiles.

  13. Why the fuck is Beast of Prey not simply, "Putting a survivor into the injured state from the healthy state with a basic attack reveals their aura for X seconds." It is a mechanic already contained in Huntresses kit with her addon that has the same affect on hatchet hits, and it has synergy with her and would be a fun and strong perk for many killers while giving another reason to run Distortion.

  14. 6:24 Eruption does not need a cooldown.

    12:50 You know, having a limited number of total charges to the chainsaw would be a somewhat descent way of nerfing The Cambial is he ever did need a nerf. You have the default 3 "in the tank" so to say and a max pool of say 30 (So starting the match with your tokens reading "3/27"). It'd require you to be a bit more strategic with the use of the chainsaw instead of just spamming it all game.
    Add-on wise in addition to it's current effect Speed Limiter would also give you an extra 15 max charges to somewhat make up for the fact it doesn't insta-down any more and you could maybe have the add-ons that improve charge time also give max charges and maybe have the Iridescent Flesh replenish max charges in addition to useable charges and Carburettor Tuning Guide could maybe just give a flat bonus to max number or something. An interesting idea.

    Though really the nerf I want to see on Canibal is "If you are within 32m of a hoked Survivor that Survivor's struggle timer is paused if there is not a healthy or injured Survivor within that same distance." but to fair I'd like that on every Killer. Fornicate campers.

    I'm the weak link in any Survivor team.

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  15. I havent watched the video and i probably wont but im just gonna say the right time to drop chase is NEVER. DROPPING CHASE IS FOR FLOPS WHO CANT DOWN SURVIVORS. "oooh but god pallets" -🤓🤓🤓🤓. BRO JUST MINDGAME ITS NOT THAT HARD. tldr: never drop chase unless bitch.


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