Left for DEAD by My Teammates [Dead By Daylight]

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Ah yes, solo survivor… where it’s every man for themself. Or sometimes, the SWF you get matched with all ragequits because you didn’t unhook someone quickly enough. Womp womppppp

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31 thoughts on “Left for DEAD by My Teammates [Dead By Daylight]”

  1. The match against that blight was actually exciting, like a good thriller. Loved to watch it.
    And yeah, I agree .. that Ace in the first match was a real champ.
    The last match against billy I saw live on twitch, your chase at the end was SO good. I´m glad you put it here on YouTube ,too.

  2. No matter how bad dbd can get, nothing beats the nuts to butts close call escapes like that.

    Also thank you for that take on killer mains, because they're always saying survivors are entitled yet feel like they should 4k every game. It's also funny how they act like MMR forces them to play sweaty, when in fact it doesn't. They choose to make every match a sweatfest MLG tournament.

  3. Literally had a solo q match with a killer main streamer who tried their hardest to make the game so unfun for all of us- their stream title even flaunted the fact that they wanted us to DC from how crappy they were being and the sudden we said in the end game chat that it wasn’t fun for us to play against his strats- he started going on and on about our “entitlement”

  4. Hey john
    I have a stupid question about DBD that I thought about after rewatching some videos, if anyone can help me: what makes it possible to mori (dunno the spelling) someone as the killer?

  5. I hate that I miss you streaming because although we live in the same time zone, I work on Japan time translating a lot 😔 Afternoons I’m almost always asleep. I’ll try to catch some vods though while I’m working! You’re both good at DBD and good at saying the funniest shit while you play it hahaha. Respect 🙏🏼 appreciate the new content on this channel and all the work on main channel etc.

  6. smh the Tapp that left at full health with 0 hooks. I'm glad he save you out of basement at least but still. I want to give the benefit of the doubt and think he had a challenge to do.

  7. sad to see everybody bandwagoning here against the edgy killer. Is it edgy? Yes. but like, Killers already have it rough. The role is constant stress, and you do have to deal with 4 people, which will more than likely be toxic. We shouldnt make fun of somebody who already has a tough enough time just playing the game to have fun, when its basically testing how good you are at measuring how much time you can spend doing something, and how lucky they are.

    Like, C'mon guys. Killers can be entitled, most dont even need a 4k every single game, thats silly. most people just dont want to have toxic survivors. Same reason people dont want to have toxic killers that camp. We should try to respect eachother instead of mocking the other side.

  8. Your monologue about some of these killer mains is so on point! They get anti loop perks, they get gen blocking perks, gen regressing perks, instant down perks, anti blind perks, aura reading perks & so on. & even if they run all those great, helpful perks, they still be bitchin about DS or DH because they have to spend 10 more seconds to tunnel & kill a survivor out of the match.
    & god forbid a survivor loops well & uses pallets to protect themselves. God forbid the killer doesn't get an easy 4k every match by doing the bare minimum by camping & tunnling. Then all hell breaks out lol.

  9. 1:13 I've seen a couple people do this and I think they call it the Dummy tech but what is the plan? Im guessing its to make the killer hit the pallet causing them to be stunlocked for an extra couple seconds while you get away but I think I saw someone say its a way to prevent them from breaking pallets because they had some build that was based around bring pallets back up

  10. I’m not good on either side but at least I’ll try to help my team (solo Q) escape (even sacrificing myself to protect another) or try to kill everyone (killer)some easier than others)
    . Oh yea and 16 perks bro. Not 4


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