LETHAL DEVOUR GHOSTFACE – Dead by Daylight | 30 Days of Ghostface – Day 2

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#redsgaminggears #dbd #Ghostface
Dead by Daylight New 30 Days of Ghostface! Day 2! Today we do a requested Devour Hope build, which overall is super fun and as i am still learning all the stalking potential for Ghostface its great to have fun in games while practicing! Dead by Daylight Resident evil comes out in a week and i hope you are all ready after the dbd new killer trickster was quite the disappointment! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Ghostface Gameplay!

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14 thoughts on “LETHAL DEVOUR GHOSTFACE – Dead by Daylight | 30 Days of Ghostface – Day 2”

  1. Can't believe that Yui. Can't handle being outplayed, they try to kill themselves. They try to get their teammate (who rescued them) killed only to get t-bagged. DC's. They got a fragile ego or something?

  2. Okay red I have yet another story for you I think you will love. So I was playing ghoast face, and I 99'd all 4 people. They all decided to work on one gen and play the whole one team one fight thing to get the survivors off the hook. I had 3 out of the 4 DC, turns out the 4th was a part of their group of friends and said I was hacking because there's no way I could have one hit all of them. And yet again one of them was streaming and decided to stop playing… ig im cleaning up the DC trash one player at a time


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