Let's See Some Useful Statistics Behaviour – Dead by Daylight

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47 thoughts on “Let's See Some Useful Statistics Behaviour – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Don't you think you are asking a bit much here?

    Like not actually from your demand, but their competence when it comes to understanding statistics. Never forget the Self Care only takes up about 21% of survivor perkslots, so it is not actually that much used (this was from before the nerfs).

  2. Someone needs to politely ask them legit. “Why can’t y’all just say with your chests you’re gonna do what you want and what the players need doesn’t matter?” That needs to be the question they answer if they just say bs instead of just admitting something so obvious. I mean that question needs to get asked. Seriously

  3. Does the gen information even matter? I think the issue most killers have is that they feel like they can't protect gens and they don't have time to defend them no matter perks when the game is designed that even if survivors are. Getting stomped they feel like they have a chance by gens getting done. If you think about it the devs are balancing for 2 escapes 2 kills and for 2 escapes all gens must be done so they are balancing for the gens to actually get done and the killer get kills near the end of the match

  4. Ohh how cute! Scott thinks that Behavior did not Blacklisted his opinion.
    At this point I request Scott to try reverse psychology with Behavior and give them very bad advices. Maybe this way we can get them to act like someone with a higher IQ then a brick wall.

  5. For the love of everything I just want this game to be good. I just want the devs to listen to the community and make this game the best it can be. It is so fucking infuriating that they ignore the important stuff and cop out, when the game has so much potential to be better.

  6. One of the bhvr-admitted problems with mmr is that they don't have enough players to actually generate balanced matches.

    What I haven't seen them talk about is a sbmm system only works when both sides are playing to win. BP incentives, archives, and what people find fun vs what is the most effective way to win all distort how sbmm plays out. A 4k or an escape are my primary goal less than half the games I play.

  7. The kill rate statistics in my opinion are a load of bullshit.

    1. Some killers are picked more than other killers, so obviously those killers who are picked more often than not are gonna have the most kills.

    2. When a survivor dies to a specific killer there is a considerable chance that the survivor is bad or does not want to go up against that specific killer so they get themselves killed.

    So this is not an accurate indicator on whether a killer is op. As shown by the nurse having the least amount of kills.

  8. They always show the same stats that say absolutely nothing, when we ask about stats we want details maybe dont show em on stream were you can only discuss them for 2 minutes. Show us kill rates for each mmr bracket (mid, high, low,top) show us all maps
    Show us maps vs killer on each ones
    Show us hatchet thrown and hatchet hits %, show us number of reload per match for trickster vs huntress, show us kills for reversed beartraps. Etc. Just give us more not like : cowshed is the most survivor sided map(wich we already knew btw)

  9. I've said it from the beginning of their mmr, the best way to match up skill without it being too super complicated is, for survivor, to grade an entire team each match and give them a specific mmr rating that correlates with however many gens got completed in that match and then each individual survivor obviously has a running average of all their matches. So there's a set value attached to each amount of generators repaired (0-5) that ALL survivors in a match receive for that match. So if you're consistently part of teams that complete generators, you're going to have a higher rating on average and be matched with other efficient teammates. So then it doesn't matter if you're getting chased/tunneled all game while your team pops gens or if someone else is getting chased or facecamped all game and you are rocking out gens, your mmr will go up. If you urban evade around the map and aren't efficient at gens, it'll match you with other like survivors and put you up against killers that aren't as efficient at killing so it'll be evenly matched. And killer should just go off kills since that is their main objective. Like otz said, it'd be stupid to punish a killer who takes an advantage of a snowball so a kill is a kill.

  10. And I wouldn't even complicate it with negative mmr or anything. Just make both killer and survivor a running average. Survivor can get 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 points each game based off the number of gens completed. Killer can get 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 based off number of survivors killed and then maybe 5 points would be all 4 survivors but without the exit gates being powered by gens or maybe at least a certain number of hook states, I dunno. So then when they pull from the pool for matchmaking, it keeps them all close as possible on that 0-5 scale.

  11. Love that they think their tutorial is fine and any improvements to it are on the backlog, but every killer with complicated mechanics like Pig and Pinhead fucking demolish new players and are subsequently nerfed across the board

  12. I feel, maybe I'm wrong, but what matters at the end of the day is if you got a pip at the end of the match, how many, or if you didn't. There's been matches where even after escaping, I loose a pip from my rank. There are others where I do absolutely everything in my hands to help my team escape, and I'm the only one to die, and get a pip. There are other matches where we all escape and get none. Sometimes I even get two pips. For me, it's a good match if I it helped me further my rank or at the bare minimum, didn't make me loose my pip, until I can secure my Blood Rank I.

  13. It's hard for me to afford the devs any sympathy or benefit of the doubt when they have such a frankly rude and self-righteous attitude/vibe when talking about things relating to the community and popular opinions, as well as nowhere near a reasonable or satisfactory level of tranparency.

    It just feels so shitty, y'know? Like they don't give a shit about you or what you think, and they won't tell you why you're wrong or they're right a lot of the time, they're just right and you're just wrong and that's it. It's very disheartening.

  14. I feel like the dbd community must definitely know the meaning of insanity. These devs truly, TRULY do not listen. True talent, jund and any top streamer have been saying that kills don’t equal skill but behavior just dose not listen. It’s despicable honestly, do better dev team.

  15. Pretty sure they said how kill rates like the Nurse was low only because of newer players that don't know how to play her. And when you take stats over a large amount of games played snapshot it will reflect skill because over 100 games a skilled player will escape more. Also they didn't go into depth of how they view all the data and just gave us quick sugar coating examples. If they went over all the stats I'm sure they have it would become a dry 4 hour stats session. You seem really obsessed over the MMR rating that can happen in only a handful of games over the span of 100 games played for example.

  16. I don't understand why they don't go off of hooks, it would put more into account, like if an oni 4k slug one hooks he would get less, but if someone 3 hooks, and kills everyone with wraith, they would earn more, atleast from my pov

  17. Can someone help me with this? lol 🙂 If a killer has a kill state of 52% does that mean they kill on average 52% of the players per match. Or does it mean they 4K 52% of the time?

  18. Sad thing is, we know they have all these statistics readily available since Almo was so very quick on bringing up the survival rates using a specific perk, usage percentage, percentage of those people died in which position and so on during that fateful stream when OoO was brought up.

  19. Balancing based more so off high level play then casual is a bad move.
    Overwatch tried this and just like behavior they did it even though they don't really know how to balance things and OW got worse.

    Behavior first needs people thar understand the game so any adjustments don't negatively affect either group of players

  20. Because the noob claudettes can not outrun the killer for 1 Second, we desided to nerf all Killers to 4.2 m/s movement speed.
    But do not worry, you are still faster then a surviver.


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