Let's Talk About Cheaters – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Iโ€™m prepared for the cheater apocalypse, BRING IT ON.

Check out Choyโ€™s video interviewing a hacker!

Cheaters getting destroyed


44 thoughts on “Let's Talk About Cheaters – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Why ask the streamer why they don't just disconnect and ask the devs why they are not taking these issues more serious. You have content creators playing your game, with hundreds to thousands of viewers and all these viewers see is hacker after hacker after hacker. Why would anyone want to spend money on your game if you don't show any compassion to the people who give your game face.

  2. SpookNJukes the DBD Giga-Chad.
    โ€œYou wanna hold ME hostage? Noโ€ฆ Iโ€™m holding YOU hostage AND turning you into content, thanks for the free video.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

  3. The thing with keeping them there is it's kind of like talking to a scam caller. Yeah it interrupts what you're doing, but keeping them there is preventing them from bugging anyone else

  4. I wish people started calling them script kiddies again because hacking is actually something that is hard to do but just using a script somebody else wrote to not play a video game is such a non-hobby. also all of these "hackers" are like 15 years old

  5. I find it incredibly sad people take all this time to hack a game like dbd. Out of every game your choose to waste your time on you choose a mediocre game like dbd I just donโ€™t get it.

  6. Yeah also with the disconnecting thing behavior apparently said that fog whisperers only would not suffer I have not encountered cheaters yet and I hope I donโ€™t because I hate the idea of being stuck in a game due to someone having no skill and barely anything close to a life to the point that they are willing to waste time and money only to cheat on a game

  7. Once again, this wouldn't be too much of an issue if DBD would put rules in place that would auto disconnect and flag a player if they are caught off the ground for more than a second, if they are in the hooked animation and start moving across the screen, if they exceed a certain move speed for a certain amount of time, if a gen completes faster than the fastest possible time, given perks, tools, players on the gen, etc. That should automatically do the job.

    Instead, these players can enable a script that lets them fly across the map indefinitely, and the game doesn't even attempt to flag it. With a title this big, with this many players, and a company that now has as much money as BHVR Interactive, there's no excuse not to have this incorporated, when there are tons of titles developed and released by individuals that have solutions for these issues. Are they perfect? No, but they're at least attempting to resolve the issue.

    Folks like these hackers are going to do whatever they want to do, but it's the responsibility of the developer to ensure the security of their own titles. BHVR has and continues to fail to do that.

  8. Overall it's just incredibly sad that these people need a entire discord server about trying to ruin the day of other people.. Like get a life already, go outside and touch grass..

  9. Hey man. I'm a long time fan of yours. I like a lot of your vids where you explain what respect in dead by daylight should mean. That being said I thought I would offer a bit of constructive criticism. Once again I'm a big fan of yours. But I don't buy it for a second man. You can tell it's troubling you. I might be wrong but that's not the point. Even if I am and it really doesn't bother you it looks like it does bother you. And I think that's the problem there's nothing we can do to show these hackers that it doesn't bother us so that they stop. If I was a hacker and I saw this video I would definitely just keep doing it because it feels like you're not fooling me and that you actually do have a problem with it it's just going to make them want to do it more. You say you hope they do it? Why would you hope that they do it? Moving to a different console losing all your progress and even dead by daylight mobile which is significantly worse is not going to trick them into thinking that you are okay with it. I'm not trying to knock or crap on everything that you're saying it's just. I don't know. I feel like this video could do more damage to you than good and I wish that wasn't so.
    I say all this because you mentioned that it's embarrassing to them since they're wasting all their time unable to hack somebody else while they're stuck in a match with you. I think that's false. In the video that you referenced of the guy who interviewed the hacker. Apparently when dead by daylight went to the Epic store it was free which was a significantly bad move for the dead by daylight developers to do. Apparently thousands and thousands of accounts were created in order to prevent from being banned on the hacker side. They're just going to use a different account to get into your lobby when you are just sitting there. I'm not trying to sound bad or anything like that it's just I don't know it feels hopeless you know what I mean?

  10. These people are actually insane, who the hell creates a spreadsheet to streamsnipe a streamer and even discuss it on a discord like nato or something. Actually complete bollacks.

  11. What a sad life they must live. I lowkey feel sorry for them… like.. imagine being so miserable that you have to try (and fail) to make others just as miserable as you. That is some tragic shit.

  12. Poor guys. They must have been so used to have a low self-esteem that they just forgot people used to have faith in them when they were kids. Generally their parents. Now look at them… ๐Ÿ™

  13. The reason why we don't need a DC penalty. Years ago they never had lobby's and the reinviting after a loading screen DC was the worst, that's the only reason I wanted a DC penalty. But they created lobby's… get rid of the DC penalty.

  14. Actually reporting does help at the end of the match, after few days and many reports of exploit the account does get banned and they need to buy another account which costs them anywhere from 4$-6$.
    Also while on Console I think you can disable Cross-Play and that way they won't able to get into your lobby so you are able to play the game in peace until the cheater gets bored of holding hostage on PC! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. That happened to me and my husband. I hate that if you disconnect which we did we got penalties and our grade when down. I honestly don't think it's fair to loose a grade specially if you're taken hostage or get trolled and killed right away. We love the game and we may not be the best but the grade we get we try hard to get go down by tunneler or camper.

  16. What screen sharing software do u use? I was thinking I'd like to stream my terrible game play but I dnt have console or ps or switch yet. I have a pc but it's really old and doesn't have right visual card or something. So all my stuff is on mobile.


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