Let's Talk About Deranking | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #derank #mmr

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►Video Song: FSM Team – Melancholic
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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28 thoughts on “Let's Talk About Deranking | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Playing as a killer you know when you see low prestige players that you wouldn't normally play against, that they could switch at the 5 second mark into 100 prestige players given the usual matches you play. 2 toolboxes and 2 flashlights usually signifys a swf because 2 people usually play the distraction game with the flashies and 1-2 people are usually the gen jockies from experience. He wasn't saying it is definetly a swf if you see this, just that he assumes it. Meaning he has to prepare for the potential of that kinda of match. Think you took fadeobsidian out of context there. Idk if you were referencing the whole block of text with the 'what' statement but 4 survivors playing the same character or similar names or outfits is usually a gd sign that the survivors are in a swf. As for the deranking situation, that can be resolved by Behaviour simply showing you your MMR on the top corner of your screen. They don't have to show everyones, just your own, so people can put this whole deranking nonsense to bed

  2. In the words of Bruce Lee

    Like eveyone else you want to learn the way to win but never accept the way to loose to accept defeat , to learn to die is to be liberated from it.

    Best way I can tell people who have problems with excuse making learning to take the ego away and the best way is to look at thing from as many perspectives as possible , 1. Be bias , 2 non bias , 3 in the medium.4. Seeing multiple different perspectives 5. Analyzing your own self / to see your mistake and errors and ect
    6. Analyze high level players , then do low level players and ect

    This give u a wider view as a whole instead of just a few that’s limited . It’s sad that people like to excuse make I’m no exception we all r human and do it in r own way and extent , I’m just more self aware when I do .

    God bless ❤️✝️Jesus loves you all

  3. and I saw the same thing with Warzone in its height of popularity where people saw creators who played 12+ hours a day were cheating because they were just so much better. granted theres bound to be cheating content creators nobody was safe back then. it feels the same situation of echo chambers

  4. Every online multiplayer game has a smurfing issue. DBD is not exempt from this phenomenon and saying people should just be kind doesn’t really change anything. I do agree a lot of smurfing accusations are just hot air. It’s not fair to consistently accuse your opponents of using dirty tactics but it does happen and people should be shamed if they are caught deranking. Kinda hard to prove though.

  5. 3:50 YES! Items, cosmetics, characters, names, etc. do NOT have any real correlation to SWF. I like seeing more people take the side of logic against those ideas that you can detect swf based on what could easily be coincidence or memes. DBD players are a fucking gas, when they exude the smell of pushpins and yarn.

    I wonder how many killers switch to mori and noed because they are paranoid about swf when they see 4 random solos with matching bunny feng. Bunny feng who were only thinking they can get a fun match against the now pre-enraged sociopath they are about to get corrected by for no reason.

  6. Played both sides a lot. Can say I often played swf with comms but the comms were usually like 10% info and 90% random bullshit. As killer, I feel like 80% of my losing was my own fault. Plus, I play more for fun than optimization usually.

  7. Yeah I don’t think creators de rank for negative reason but if people do challenges I see how it gets lowered faster. But I also understand how it feels weird sometimes when I play where some games I stomp or lose but have a good chase and pressure game and it feels even but I just played bad. But a game I had the other day felt way off like I stood no chance at all. All 4 got out and were very cocky with still looping me after door was open. I want to believe the 2 that I could never get were subtle speed hacking with some things I noticed but I can’t tell and it really ruined my games that night. Now I’m not sure if I was just over thinking it or if it was fishy I’m not sure

  8. I never understood why people derank in dbd, mainly because there is almost like a time schedule where depending on the region your in, if you long on at a regular time you'll get easier games or harder games, for us east coast, if you sign on at like 10pm-4am games are generally really lax (keyword generally), and around prime time (4pm-9pm) you get sweatfest

  9. I can't believe bhvr hasn't implemented a method to see in lobby if the survivors are in the same group or not, is a feature that is in 99% of multiplayer game with teams in them

  10. You cant even derank on Survivor unless you die on purpose > at the end of the match or naturally <
    Otherwise people will rightfully report you for trolling/not participating .

    For Killer on the other hand its more common to derank cuz you are your entire team so no1 will complain about a free win or farming killer

  11. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone actually de-ranks intentionally. There are more people AFKing to gain shards than there are de-ranking. They might stop trying so hard every match and play casually, but that's what people often say they want, isn't it? People not trying so hard to win every match?

    More often, the fault is with the matchmaking. No matter your MMR, you'll still sometimes match with people obviously above or below your level. And some days, just due to random luck, you'll even have a string of bad matches in a row. It also depends on your region and time of day.

    In terms of making entertaining content, I don't think the people I'm watching necessarily have to be the best of the best to be entertaining. As long as they aren't like, absolute bottom of the barrel with no idea what they're doing, then their personality and playstyle is more of a factor than the level of skill they're at. Heck, I like watching comp tournaments once in a while, but I totally get why that wouldn't be entertaining for a lot of people.

  12. Honestly if you just let yourself win and lose normally and don't try too hard, playing at the right time, and with not too many OP perks? You will do fine. Your rounds will be fine. I had a 20+ winstreak on Onryo, Pinhead, and Dredge over Blood Moon, then had four rounds in a row as Ghostface later that month I won 3-4k, and then got roflstomped the rest of the month. It happens. Let wins and losses happen naturally, don't sweat too much and you generally won't get sweats.

    People care too much about winning in this game. Way too much.

  13. There actually is a consistent way to see if someone is deranking off stream/before making a video. Gen speeds. Typically worse players have a harder time being efficient with gen time and when they should leave a gen, so they are typically slower. Not saying that high MMR players don't fuck up from time to time, but if it is happening consistently every single time they stream or make a vid, then yeah they are probably deranking. HOWEVER, being upset that they are is just… stupid? so what if they're deranking, it's not like it's hurting anyone anyways. lol.

  14. If you play Rank mode in IDV you actually get more points towards your ranking tier if you play against SWF and it even tells you when the match ends. Idk how BHVR hasn't added this yet.

  15. Also dont forget thaf High MMR players can still get matched with Low MMR players! If the wait time is long enough, or there arent enough players within your mmr brakcet, the game deprioritizes MMR.

  16. i play solo q 99% of the time and i check off all those boxes from the reddit post… sometimes i just wanna match with my random teammates. most of the time we are never double checking if we are bringing repeating items… like all of that is unfounded lmaooo

  17. Interesting….I never thought of this till that cheater spirit streamer was caught by Hens and his friends video a few days ago. Many problems in DBD. Basically I threw away my compeditive additude and now seem to mostly have fun again but I still like to tell some K's they can suk eggs 🙂

  18. "bro there's no proof they're a SWF even though they coordinate everything they do"-theMrHeadache

    Behavior doesn't show you that the survivors are in a SWF at the lobby for a reason.

  19. I know I've had my fair share of bad reactions to losing that I assume a team is on comms in the past. I like the sentiment that everyone is just trying to make it together and we're all one community.

    Reminding ourselves of this can help us not stigmatize or lash out at the "other side" as there isn't one. Not really. We're all playing a game. We gotta remember that and have fun.

    Also, I'd love it if MMR numbers were just visible to people. That would just be nice to know without having to dive into game files.

  20. Often I play against people better than me. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose. Often, the MMR system doesn't work.

    Not once have I thought "they are deranking" just… go next…?


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