LIGHTBORN Plague Says NO To Flashlights | Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with some Lightborn Plague gameplay. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

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0:00 Match 1
4:23 Match 2
12:03 Match 3


17 thoughts on “LIGHTBORN Plague Says NO To Flashlights | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Ada’s build in the second game: Background Player, Empathy, Built To Last, Streetwise, Flashlight. I’m not surprised she gave up against Lightborn.

    I used to think Lightborn was a beyond useless perk but now that Background Player exists it’s hard to avoid survivors getting a flashlight save.

  2. i wonder if BHVR would tweak a 4 gen like that. because they mentioned tweaking the 3 gens. TBH if they remove 3 gens that would honestly slowly kill the game. tbh the survivors need to be better to not allow a 3 gen to happen. As a killer main 3 Gens help us have one last chance to tip the scales to our favor. or break even or at worse lose or at best make a big come back. Imo tweaking a 4 gen like that would be better and balance out the maps gen logic like a clean 50/50 and its up to killer to hold down the game while survivors try to beat them in that regard…which is not as hard because Survivors are stupid Broken with so many second chance perks and gen rushing tactics. Gosh… man this game lol


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