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Local Legion main from 3 blocks down gets absolutely countered by chad Survivors! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Legion Op pls Nerf
Legion Go Go Go🤟✊
I don’t if that’s an exaggeration about Nurse or not. But I don’t recall her having base 4.6 movement speed ever
on your comment about a long winstreak being tough as legion, i agree, but you also referenced your own earlier matches before stating that, when you're someone who (by your own words) doesn't really run necessarily overwhelming or oppressive perk combos at all (namely lots of slowdown)
i'm sure someone with your time investment on legion could be capable of a really lengthy winstreak if they ran things like corrupt, thanata, dying light, and any other powerful perk of choice, maybe a pain reso + dead man's combo or something of the sort ykno? builds like that with pills or filthy blade are much sweatier than the way you play in the content of urs that i've seen :0
You are not The Legion main in THIS economy!
That's True!
But there are things The Legion does better than The Blight!
Imo they should make the down hit me the number of active survivors + 1 so you can always make use of it. A 1v1 would be a bit unfair though so maybe make it so there has to be a minimum of 2 people alive for it.
How do I get the glass knife?
Filthy Blade + Joey's Mixtape = Pain for Survivors.