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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Love your vids Tru3!
hey i love watching ur video and learning new techniques to do in my next game.
I like when you wear those muscle shirts 😍 you're so handsome. And you don't rape my ears with unnecessary yelling and what not.
Tru's reactions are all real, the best is when he yells "oh shit!" He's not like the corporate youtubers, pewd, Jack septic tank, etc with their fakeness
Hey, what do you think, abaout the new DS?
What bug?
You re so good you actually managed to get into the game
Great loops in the house, very comfy place for survivors. Awesome playing, liked.
True you were 110% going to get hit in the shack window. Didn’t even matter if it was a fast vault. Killer was way to close to you.
Why not recover if you're not crawling? I can't begin to understand… Afk?
The correct title should have been " Looping a Wraith with my IRL"
i get hit through windows like that all the time even in green ping rooms
That other David though, lol
Oh my))
White bloodeh shirt Dave is back!
I hate the do nothings who are red ranks.
So I actually play this game now, inspired by your good self. I used your recent tip to dodge the twins. Worked a treat as felt amazing when I got the smash on him lol. Thanks 👍 I love playing doc so far. Cheers for the content mate.
4 people and noone's on a gens? Welcome to my world lmao
u are so good man!!! davi king whit true skin nice!!
I've gotten much better at this game watching you
I love how your team mate is spinning in circles while downed signaling you to come at 7:49 yet he wasn't even pressing M1 to recover. I don't understand how these people survive in real life.
Oh brother these guys stink!
Kindred and windows is so nice. I've actually been playing with that for a while and when I play characters who don't have those perks I find myself immediately missing them. Kindred is the best survivor information perk, and windows helps you loop longer and avoid dead zones.
A weird thing I've noticed is that some survivors will just run around until they find a gen that already has progress even if it's across the map. Even better if someone else is already on it for them.
The wraith is a legion main, and it shows because of his play style.
How come you like to use aura reading perks so much? I kind of feel like windows is useless when you know where pallets and vaults are. I thought you have over a thousand hours?
I love the crap out of that loop, with the stone walls and tree. So freaking strong. It actually makes me a bit cocky when I'm near it and start getting chased. XD
11.44 fully healed but no body block? I was the survivor i that game
U got hit with the fast vault because the red glow was on u Tru3. Putting the pallet down was the best option.
Damn, why are medkits so strong? Also, what tf could have he done better? He played good man (the killer)
True, whats your advice for countering toxic players?
2 people escaped, perfect match result according to the devs 🤣
When the video started I was like who came on the monitor
Wait did you intentionally dress him like Jayme from Myth busters ?