Looping Using ONLY Hope And Adrenaline | Dead by daylight

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Looping Using ONLY Hope And Adrenaline | Dead by daylight

Hellow everyone, i know i have been really unactive for the past two months on Youtube as well as on Twitch, but recently i been really enjoying playing dbd again off stream especially sinds they added the HUD info ingame which is really helpful for solo q survivors, so i decided why not click on that record button and get back into being consistant on youtube again, i am really sowwy for the unactivuty but we will rise again! ^.^
Live Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/nociyt
Discord to stay notified! https://discord.gg/npZdu4De62
#rank1 #dbd #noci


15 thoughts on “Looping Using ONLY Hope And Adrenaline | Dead by daylight”

  1. 1:00, have the same issue man, people be saying how much I helped them, but as much as I would like to make dbd videos again, I just can't because I don't enjoy the game anymore (only play a couple rounds with friends here and there)

    You shouldn't feel bad about this. However, it's cool to see that you're getting into it again, good luck on the journey 🙂

  2. – found you a few hours ago, it's night
    – I'm like one week in the game, thanks for your content
    – in a vid from like half a year ago you were asking for headpats
    – higher chances of you reading this here instead on an older vid, since you're talking a bit about your current state here
    pat pat


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