Loosing Killers With Lucky Break – Dead By Daylight (DBD)

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

So Lucky Break got a new buff, so ya already know what that means. Lets test it out and see how well we can use it against Killers. As always, hope you enjoy my funny DBD moments and gameplay.
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
Funny survivor moments in Dead by Daylight of trolling killers while looping killers and flashlight blinding killers to escape. And using the best Survivor perks and a flashlight. Looping and Juking killers.

#DbD #Survivor #Trolling


16 thoughts on “Loosing Killers With Lucky Break – Dead By Daylight (DBD)”

  1. Much love to all you guys that support my content. I don’t know how long I’ll keep playing DBD or doing this YouTube thing for, but for now let’s keep enjoying it. On to the next mile stone, then to the top. No one can stop us. Stay safe now.


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