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#DBD #dbdkiller

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16 thoughts on “LORE ACCURATE TRICKSTER! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Earlier today I thought of a possible devour hope build for trapper, one that I have not seen anyone do before.
    Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Hex: Undying, Corrupt Intervention, Iridescent Stone, and Tension Spring. My theory if you can trap your totems and are good enough at looping, you can get Devour Hope, which they should not be able to cleanse.

  2. Man starstruck helped me down a swf one time right as the exit gate opened. It was glorious watching them wiggle around on the ground when bloodwarden proced and they desperately tried to get Meg off. An expert display of β€œyou should have just left.”

  3. The perk/addon breakdown with the killer story in the background was really cool maybe add like 1 or 2 seconds max to the edit I had to rewind a few times to read the good bits (new dbd player)

    Lore accurate trapper?

    Dark devotion
    Monitor and abuse
    But you only attack survivors you catch in traps 🀣

  4. Grey, I love playing trickster, but I always get literal god tier survivor swfs when I play as him. Do you have any build suggestions that could help me with that?


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