Loud survivors in Dead By Daylight Mobile

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

#deadbydaylightmobile #dbdm #nexteraofhorror
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45 thoughts on “Loud survivors in Dead By Daylight Mobile”

  1. I mean,they weren't wrong 😁 but it's not just the survivors that are loud in DBD mobile,it's the killers weapons to. When I was going against the hillbilly yesterday he was NO WHERE NEAR ME but I could hear his chainsaw like he was RIGHT next to me and he was on the other side of the map. Same thing happened with ghostface and huntress.

  2. I totally appreciate the need for ads (and I'm really glad you guys are getting more sponsorship), but is there a way avoid these skits when watching all your uploads? Not trying to complain as I understand, but there is a difference in the tone and content of these Dead By Daylight bits vs your other stuff. Keep up the good work 🙂

  3. Lol I love these haha 🤣 😂 you guys pick the perfect games to do these videos of haha❤❤❤ and your are doing awesome with costume and set design everything looks perfectly to the video games haha


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