MAJOR Candyman Tease From Tony Todd? – Dead by Daylight

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Little bit of news today from the Candyman actor himself, Tony Todd. This is pure speculation as the “project” he’s referencing is still completely unknown, but the date do entirely line up for the next Dead by Daylight chapter. Let’s discuss it!

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Tooten Merch! –
Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#dbdleaks #candyman #dbd


17 thoughts on “MAJOR Candyman Tease From Tony Todd? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. How do you guys feel about this? Do you think he's teasing his character finally being added to Dead by Daylight, or do you think it's for a standalone Candyman game? Let me know! Thank you all for watching! <3

  2. I honestly don’t think it’s candyman, sure he is a well known horror movie character but newer generations don’t know who he is (until the movie comes out) so BHVR won’t get as many new people coming into the game. Plus there are potential survivors as seen in the movie, so this being a killer only candyman chapter doesn’t really make sense. And of course there aren’t that many skins you can give candyman, I mean this killer is meant to have a very rare and a legendary/ultra rare skin and to be honest I can’t think of many different skins candyman could get apart from his usual basic attire.

  3. So a couple things, the fact that, if it is indeed Candyman then BHVR is REALLY pushing it close with the voice-lines a bit too close imo and, like you said, the fact that he said multiple sessions is a definite red flag because, to me, that sounds more like a voice role in another video game/movie. Another counterargument is, I'm sure you know but Tony retweeted Paulie's theory video on if Candyman is coming next, that's another big red flag because, if you WERE indeed the next licensed property in the lineup, you'd think you would try and keep that as hush hush as absolutely possible and not retweet anyone's theory video on what you're working on/with.

    Anyways, that's just some counterarguments, it's still probably Candyman at the end of the day(which personally is the biggest "meh" and shoulder shrug from me but, hey, can't always be one for me) but I'm just happy that others will be happy if it is Candyman. 🙂 Oh, just as a heads up, the new movie is coming out August 27th, hope it turns out good!

  4. It’s possible it can be candy man but I may have another theory so I’m a big until dawn fan and I think it’s possible that we could get it in a couple years of development because Hannah would be the base windigo and a legendary skin could be one of the miners but the survivor could be a problem because of the amount of characters where there they could make a original survivor but still add the winter theme in there outfits

  5. Candyman 2021 will release in August 27th. But pretty much close to September nonetheless so it makes sense. Plus they have been advertising the hell out of it nicely so people not familiar will be able to put 1 & 2 together

  6. It makes sense if Candyman was coming into the came, he may have voicelines.

    Myers (doesn’t talk)
    Leatherface (only yells)
    Demogorgon (cannot talk)
    Pyramid Head (doesn’t talk)
    Ghostface (doesn’t talk when he’s trying to kill someone)
    Nemesis (doesn’t talk outside of saying STARS)
    Freddy (Haven’t watched the Remake so unsure if he talks much)
    Pig (I know when she was Amanda Young she talks, I don’t know if she does as the Pig, she is a stealthy killer anyways)

    Outside of Freddy, Pig (possibly), Ghostface, Candyman is the only other Killer that talks.

    It doesn’t make sense for stealth killers to alert the survivors by talking anyways.


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