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While I’m typically a bigger fan of Ruin & Info perks on Plague, this build is actually a really nice alternative. You block several generators with Corrupt Intervention, focus on infecting the remaining four at the start and then keep a chokehold on them with Pop & Eruption. Thrilling Tremors could be replaced by Tinkerer as well, if you prefer that. Other Killers like Freddy or Blight could also make decent use of this build. 😊
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:
i notice, I’ve never played against a plague in midwich
why does Quentin sound like that lol
How come at 930 max gets unhooked but Felix doesn’t get infected?
OTZ! Heres a pinhead build
Hex undying/hex ruin combo
Franklin's demise
The game map offering
Addons that increase the time to solve the lament configuration
So loud 😀
Hey Otz, i would love to see u do a Tier 1 Myers only video, so that u are undetackable the whole Game. Maybe some speed addons and ur good to go.
I wish u a good one🙂
Wish you uploaded here more, Otz
The best Killer EVER!!!
Did they add a new survivor without me hearing about it? Or is that loud dude Jonathan from stranger things and I just haven't heard him yet to know that they gave him a separate voice from Steve?
Hello friends, this is otz… for now
Would be kinda cool when he explains the perks before every round. I'm new to dbd.
I never noticed that plague gets whispers when she gets the hurt juice, thats pretty sick!
Can you give us a trapper tutorial for beginners and experts
Anyone looking to play on PS4/PS5? My ID is ZacoBroOffical
Wow, Jonathan’s voice lines changed…
Hello Otz, this is friend's. I have an idea about a new survivor build. It's a meme build. And it consists No Mither, We'll make it, Resilience and the last option is either Dead Hard or Deliverance.
What's the point of the build?
Well with No Mither you are always injured and so Resilience will always be active. We'll Make is there so that u can heal even faster. And Dead Hard is always gonna be there (when not exhausted). And Deliverance, because you're always gonna be with the broken status effect. But you decide about the last two.
I've never heard Jonathan scream like that. it was always steve's voice for me. this is cool
Are you going to do a pin head video. Jw
You should try this build i made for pin head its pretty fun and not that bad
Anyone else get the impression that he's just plain unhappy in this video? I mean he'll point out the flaws of the game here or there and roll his eyes when he gets DS'd, but here he just seems so sullen.
It would be neat to be able to save load out builds.
This is such a good build.
I love running Eruption/Pop on Blight. Giving the Killer with the best mobility in the game even more redundant map pressure is super overwhelming. Plus, he can make Pops even more dangerous
mods time u out for any reason them
Fr though, they need to turn down the volume of the whispers when the Plague has corrupt purge
I run eruption and pop on nemesis occasionally and it usually works well when the gen instantly regresses by 30 and I can get a goo start on a chase when the survivor screams
we need same idea on other map to make a better idea of how it works, anyway I will try it on plague, but your test is better than mine surely because of hands…
your plague is terrifying I love it
I swear in my games the flashlight burn sound is like a turbine, but anytime I see youtubers or streamers it's just a little buzzing that you can easily hear through.
Plagye has so much potential to be top tier, it will forever rub me wrong that devs are scares to make strong killers
New Add On for Plague: Sacrificial Bindings: Corrupt Purge whispers are silenced
0:29 Reminded me of a cursed clip I saw.