Making Hackers Look Like CLOWNS – Dead By Daylight

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You can tell they’re tilted… You can tell they’re embarrassed… They keep trying… They keep failing… WHEN WILL THEY LEARN???

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More heaters getting destroyed


25 thoughts on “Making Hackers Look Like CLOWNS – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Hacking is so cringe and unfun for the opposing team but it is amazing how Spooks can get around that and “exploit” content from then, feels great seeing justice, I salute o7

  2. The best part about this is that, judging by how the title on his last stream stayed the same throughout and doesnt mention hackers, they must have not even tried to force themselves into a lobby of his. Spooks is taking a week off currently, now we wait to see if the hackers even come back, or if they finally got the memo.

  3. 🙌🙌🙌🙌 yessssss lessssss gooooo … also I am in favor of calling them CHEATERS not hackers… ps. Please keep making these dbd cheat videos, let's generate you some more income babbbyyyyyyy… feels … so… good

  4. I get that Bhvr can't disable the DC penalty entirely since it would cause chaos.. but it should automatically disable after 30 min in trial. There's no valid reason to keep a game going that long anyway. It's over 30 min either because of: 1. Hackers. 2. Killer/survivors who want to prolong the game just to bully the opposite side.
    (There could be a 3-gen situation that makes the game run that long, but meh.. If the survivors don't like it they can give up & get hooked, but the killer has no option but to keep going or get a DC penalty, so why not make it fair.)

  5. Spooks the word hacker gives them too much credit!!! They didn’t hack anything!!! They paid someone with REAL talent to hack the game for them.

    Dead by Daylight is literally gloried tag, one of the most basic games in existence and they still need a handicap to win. Embarrassing.


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