Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Another little fun disconnect compilation.
Twitch► (Live at 5AM EST almost everyday)
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Another little fun disconnect compilation.
Twitch► (Live at 5AM EST almost everyday)
First!!!!! ❤
I am first 🥰🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️
If im ever in a relationship with someone who plays dbd, and i feel like its not working out, i hope she understands it when i hit that key on the piano and walk out of the room. And by god i will keep doing it until they notice.
8:10 sometimes player names are so perfect
calling them burnouts is the most accurate description of people who disconnect tbh
Yo Cope why do you stream at 4am? Is there a reason for that? Are you in another country or do you work nights or something?
Used to play in the early morning and I’d get games with you often, once we played twice in a row with 2 dcs back to back one killer chasing you one chasing me (you flashlight saved me in the 2nd one). Always was fun to match with you lol. Good to see it’s still the same
Burnouts! Burnouts! Burnouts! Each DC makes Cope stronger!
😂😂😂These Players Just Dont Have Enough Copium in em LOL 😂😂😂
I don't bother them disconnecting against the skull merchant , beacuse most people don't know how her power works and she's strong against solo Q, but people disconnecting early game or for no reason is crazy to watch!
Hey Cope, a lot of us don’t have “bUrNoUt”, but rather we just want to have chill games. When you work a stressful job and come back home to play DBD, and countless matches have slugging…BMing…humping…hopeless chases….its not fun, dawg. So, we will DC or die on hook. 🙂
2:03 classic hex ragequit lol
Best part is when they try to justify DCing/attempting and say theyre not burnt out when they most certainly are. I get not liking a certain killer or situation in-game but its never enough to rage quit over. You will never improve that way.
I'll say it every time; the people who DC like this are the same people who BM when they're winning and blame everyone else when they screw up. Small pp energy.
i just realized we have the same headphones
I feel theres a burnout in every killer match i play