MAKING MORIS GREAT AGAIN! (So Many DCs) – Dead By Daylight

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MORI MONDAYS ARE HERE AND ARE A BLAST! Now we have this and Basement Bubba Tuesday back to back!

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48 thoughts on “MAKING MORIS GREAT AGAIN! (So Many DCs) – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Mori Monday is basically every second match of mine. I just love moris. They're the single best thing in DbD.

    I also love how everyone is just wasting their BP. I'm running BBQ as often as I can, so I too get to have some.

  2. I remember recently I played against someone with a build that did everything it could to prevent us to leave. I was the only who got out because everyone else got too altruistic. It felt good to spectate and see that everyone else was dead because they decided they weren't okay with three people leaving. It was glorious.

  3. I'll be honest. Been a survivor main for a few years. Installed and uninstalled the game sooo many times. Today I start my new journey as a killer main. Can't stand solo q anymore. Doing my head in. Can anyone recommend a killer for a newbie?? Started off with Billy ages ago.

  4. You've heard of DS, now get ready for DC (DefectiveConnection)! At a time of your choosing, you can instantly return to the main menu!Useful against campers, tunnelers, sluggers and more! Deny those unskilled killers the satisfaction of tormenting you any further with this new meta perk!

    (Warning: using the aforementioned perk forfeits all survivor rights to crying, complaining and judgment on killer playstyles/perks. Bloodpoints earned will be sacrificed to a squid-jesus of our choosing upon use)

    We at Behavior hope you continue to enjoy running from crazed psychopaths seeking to stab/club you to death while whining about how they do it. Because remember, this game is all about YOU!

  5. Devour hope is personally my favorite perk in the game. It can completely shift a game from a hardcore loss to an immense victory. I have also had games where I get 2 hooks at 3 stacks, wait for 5 stacks and surprise everyone with devour when I can actually mori them. I would love to see more mori monday compilations. Also, it may be a good idea to add a dc counter.

  6. Yeah, the tombstone bug is fairly new, but saw it on Stalkyboi as well. It reverts your progress to tier 1 sometimes. Unless this is a shadow nerf, this isn't supposed to happen


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