Making Survivors QUIT With TRAPPER!! | Dead by Daylight

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32 thoughts on “Making Survivors QUIT With TRAPPER!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey Master QuietKills, can you do a basement trapper Christmas tree. I know it's extremely hard and only 1% of the trapper community can do it, but I believe you can pull off a 4 piece Christmas tree treat

  2. I keep getting rage quits they send me hate mail calling me all kinds of stuff the common denominator? They were all the idiot who spends the whole game t bagging and trying desperately to get your attention and when they do you easily beat em they get mad after they spend half the match not doing objective and constantly trying to interrupt every action you do like their a move star hero or something t and they get so mad, they made bad plays and paid for it but it’s my fault

  3. i had a rare trapper DC yesterday and it was awesome. i used that purple add on too. its such a life saver. IMO if someone is injured and gets stuck in a trap they should be in the dying state. IDK why as trapper injured ppl have essential immunity to traps.

  4. You should try the body blocking Hag build. Stbfl Rapid monitor and corrupt or some regression perks.

    Plays pretty similar to Trapper. I just started trying the build and I got a 15 win streak with her atm. Literally haven’t lost a game with her.

    She’s fast af.

  5. When I play auto-close traps, I don't pick up any of them. I instead focus all my effort on pressuring. The game's already doing half the work for me.
    You'll get surprisingly good usage on outdoor maps with pre-set trap locations, as no one would ever think you'd just place a trap in the middle of an open field or some shit.

  6. 39 days since the Knight was killswitched…. absolutely insane. I'm gonna main him for a while once he gets enabled again just to make up for this. I miss nowhere to hide as well! WTF has taken so long??


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