Making the LEGION Make Sense | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Welcome, friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be looking at a VERY popular request Killer, the Legion, and dissecting the promising start to their characterisation that turned sour when a certain cinematic came out… Stay for Shakespeare, Scream and Dance Gavin Dance!

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38 thoughts on “Making the LEGION Make Sense | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. I feel like susie could really use some general nastiness to her – she was perfectly fine with threatening, robbing, and generally petty theft, but murder was where she drew the line. i’d love a tome story about her that goes into how nasty girls can get in high school, combined with what sounds to be an already tense homelife. joey could also be used to show why he might have been friends with and then joined the legion in the first place – was it so he could be more secure in high school as a black teen? a power trip? did he have nothing better to turn to, or was these the only friends he had?

  2. here's how I see it: Frank is the instinct of the killer, Julie is the brains of the killer, Susie is the heart of the killer and Joey is the brawn of the killer. it is clear that Frank is leading them on an almost primal level: therefor the instinct; the first impulse that guides. Julie is very observative and streetwise: therefor the brains, because she is more calculating. Susie is shy and more caring, almost putting her feelings in front of everything: therefor the heart, as she seems to be the main pull-back preventing legion from going on a murdering spree. Lastly, Joey, is extremely loyal and willing to clean up the dirty work and the heavy lifting (literally) just to stay on Frank's good side: therefor the brawn, as he does as Frank asks him to do, but has difficulty actually killing (because muscles alone help with killing, but cannot kill without the mind and an impuls to start the act). All four of them together are the killer. and that is why I think as a group, they work so well. they are a 4-piece-puzzle. as soon as 1 puzzle disappears, the puzzle is no longer whole; thus as soon as 1 member disappears, the killer no longer exists.

  3. I only want more 💜💛 but that will never happen 😔 don't care much for 12 hook gameplay, there's way more in the game , most 12 hook players only get 3 kills any way and it's mostly because no one knows how to play, and it's been 6 years and the game is still bad very bad 11 killers are not even playable for the most part and there's way more garbage this game loves to hide

  4. I'm really hoping that if they ever do go back to Legion lore. They decide to cover more about Susie and Joey. Joey's always been my favourite of the group but it sucks he doesn't get much in terms of story.

  5. As a Susie fan, she is my favorite because I'm also a insecure and introvert girl. Not so many characters in the game I find relatable to me, especially killers, so when I found about Susie and as a main killer I loved her. And I really like her sense of fashion too kek.

  6. I’ve always mained she’s easily my favorite DBD character besides maybe Amanda. I often wish I could face a good legion like me and the one time I did face a good legion they played kinda like me and used and I loved getting killed by them

  7. My headcanon is that Tatariu is actually Frank from the Legion. That would explain why his pfp looks so much to him, and why loves Frank the most: because it's him

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

  8. My problem with the Legion is that even with the tome their power and lore are the most different of any character in the game. It always struck me as a top down design to turn a survivor into a killer but it implies a Meg when the Legion as written is much more Dwight. I wonder how many of the players that love the Legion really play them. I really think a lot of other powers could show off the teen group think and personality a lot more. If it were me I'd make the other legion members RE zombies you can swap to but they clearly don't want to do that so this divide continues.

  9. "Susie on release with the Darkness among us DLC is a 16 y/o girl"

    Me, a 17 y/o that started playing her since I was 15: I don't see the problem

    Now fr, I feel that Susie needs her own tome now, since with David and future Blight tomes we can see that some killers are going to have more tomes in the future, I want to see one about Susie to explore her character. I mean, she is one of the most inconsistent members of The Legion, and I say it not only for the cutscene tome, but for her cosmetics

    Here is an example from one of the Susie outfits, "New year shoplifter", the weapond "Sparkling Knife":

    "She snatched a gem-embedded knife and followed the man outside. She chased him down an alley. Wanting to impress Frank, she stabbed the man in the back, twice. He stopped and stumbled while Susie snatched his waller. She left him in the cold street, bleeding"

    This weapong description is literally telling us that Susie killed a man for money and so she could impress Frank at the sime time, stabbing him twice. That makes literally 0 sence, since the base lore told us about an insecure and shy Susie, not a girld that wants to hurt people.

    And the latest outfit that she got from the rift, "Stolen Cheer", told us about a Susie that was bullied by a cheerleador at school, and that presumably she killed, and then vandalized the uniform of that cheerleader…and that is not the Susie that we know about (this outfit even has a "Doll knife" as a weapond, and the last part of the desciption about this weapond says "a twisted riposte to those who caused her so much pain")

    Even with all this, she is my favourite member of the four, but I think that she needs a tome lore too (and also, her own voice. Joey and Susie have the same voice as Frank and Julie).

    And that concludes my problem with my favourite member of the Legion 🙂

  10. I’m still convinced Legion is one person with a multiple personalities disorder…
    Considering you never see them together in a match…

    (Is there any killer without a mental disorder even if it’s simply “severe narcissism “ etc )

  11. While having intricate and detailed lore is cool and can create very interesting characters, I don't think having lore that's a little more vague is necessarily bad. Leaving some details to peoples' imaginations can work great for some characters. And I think the members of the Legion work really well like that. I think a lot of people cling to a character like Susie because we don't really know a ton about her, but what little we do know about her can be quite relatable; she's timid, lacks confidence, is artsy, and is the youngest in the group, which I can imagine may make her feel like a 3rd wheel a lot of the time. That's not a ton to work with for canon stuff, but I think a lot of people can see themselves in Susie. And the same goes for the other characters as well.

    It also helps that the 4 Legion members are…for lack of better words, kinda the most "human" killers at the moment. Yes, most of the killers are humans and most of them have things that people can probably relate to, but The Legion is ultimately just a group of teenage delinquents in a small town. They're simple and more relatable by comparison. And there's nothing wrong with that.

    That's not to say I don't want to see more lore for them, I'd personally love to see a Tome from Joey or Susie's POV, because I think it would be interesting to have insight into how they view someone like Frank suddenly showing up into their circle of friends. And maybe I'm biased, but I feel like a killer that consists of 4 different people at least deserves a second Tome to help flesh out more of their group.

  12. The Legion is one of my favorite ( if not my all time favorite ) killer, especially Joey and his cosmetics.

    His cosmetics tell us a lot about him without much words, and I like that about them. I just wish we got to learn more about his life within text as well.

  13. I used to like Julie purely because I'm a massive hipster and I wanted to attach myself to the underrated member of the team

    Over time I figured I liked her because she's into her role whereas Susie and Joey didn't really want to be there so it made me feel bad to like them too much (Please give us a tome on them, why does Susie have a modeled EVIL grin under her mask of she's supposedly not into killing)

    But now she reminds me of my favorite scream killer (2nd if you count the tv series), Jill from part 4, completely opportunistic, more of an orchestrator than a bruiser and only gets her hands dirty if she has to just in case having an alibi or a fake sob story and as little evidence on her as possible might come in handy, always having an eye on plan B and on the nearest exit

    Now I'm compelled to write a piece of fanfiction where everything goes wrong and she has to take out the other Legion members and then arrange and stage everything as an in-fight where she was the helpless girl being coerced into it and barely managed to survive the fallout just like Jill in Scream4 did

  14. I know this isn't about lore but to this day I'm still personally mad and salty at the deceptive marketing. Seriously though. Imagine you only watched the trailer that features Frank acting as a survivor. Imagine you only had that trailer and the title of the chapter Darkness Among Us. All of that points to them being a disguise killer. Even if we were to add the teaser that just makes it seem like the killer has multiple personalities or has multiple forms. Imagine you were excited about the new killer being a disguise killer, bought the DLC without doing more research into their game play only to find a killer that justs runs around and pokes people with a knife….

  15. I remember back when the cutscene first released that there was a theory about how the entity was twisting how Julie remembered it. With the inconsistency with the order and how Susie and Joey go from horrified to fine with it in seconds. On top of that there is the sexiness(?) of it all that seems out of place towards the end of the kill.

  16. "Not bothered that Frank's the main attraction of their story" well, considering how unattractive Frank is, from a narrative perspective, maybe you should be. Even with his lore expanded upon, it makes him more cookie-cutter than cutting edge.
    As for Legion's totality: the 4 members make up the four main pillars of what makes a stereotypical 'psychopathic killer' – Julie is Boredom, Frank is Narcissism, Joey has the desire to be accepted, and Susie has the consequence avoidance.

  17. An interesting thing to note about Susie in particular is that her character model is the only character in The Legion that's smiling/showing emotion- but she is also the only one with clouded eyes. If you look at all the other legion members, their pupil color is black but hers is gray indicating The Entity possibly mind controlled her to do its bidding. The only explanation I could ever come up with for the inconsistencies making her violent (despite the original lore suggesting otherwise) is made up memories by The Entity to sway Susie into believing she's always enjoyed killing or harming others. Either that, or the possibility of perhaps after all being groomed into a life of crime by Frank (Not confirmed/canon but a dev did have the idea in a Samination stream that Susie killed because she loved Frank) and since her ID charm suggests she's known Frank since she was a freshman/The Legion was formed back then (1993-1994, when she's a sophomore in 1996) she possibly was groomed into a life of crime because she's insecure and doesn't have anything else to lay back on. This would also make more sense since they're presumably taken around August of 1996 and the Lunar New Year was in January of that year.

    The only thing I can make sense of (if the cosmetics are indeed canon) is that maybe she really drew the line at killing, maybe taking a life was more dangerous and scary to her than just stabbing someone- it's never stated she actually killed the man she just left him to bleed out. I'm pretty sure that Angsty Artist is more of a Julie skin considering they got the two mixed up (even the outfit has Julie's face under it) because it also states painting canvases when Susie is more of an arts and crafts enjoyer. As for her newest 'Stolen Cheer' skin, which is definitely from her Freshman year if it's connected to the ID, it's possible around that time she was still trying to figure herself out and who she wanted to hang around. It never does state she killed the cheerleader, simply stole her shit and maybe threatened the girl as well- or perhaps The Legion as a whole beat the girl up or bullied her much harder in return (It is stated in their original lore that their weekend activities included bullying.)

    It's clear though that Susie did have plans outside of The Legion in her original outfits, describing applying for college down the line and volunteering for her credits. As complex and sad as Susie is, I think the reason people like her so much is because you can really relate to someone who's never felt like they fit in anywhere they went- even with The Legion being the only family she has she's always been the shy and quiet one and only tags along so she feels like she has someone. So here's to hoping that BHVR gives her more lore and elaborates on her character, same with Joey who is just as important and interesting.


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