Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
We’re making use of Iridescent Button today as the Legion on Azarov’s Resting Place! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Oh boy. Here i go Stabbing again.
daily tat video 😮 nuts
okay 1 i am 3rd 2 keep up the good work my dude i find legion hard to play but he looks real fun
A combo of your daily morning for for me and a quick oatmeal breakfast is becoming my daily ritual.
Julie is one of the fewest gals which can be attractive and beautiful without open clothes and this outfit proves it.
That Ace trying to window tech while injured and with you having bamboozle is the reason why legion needs a nerf